- Handbook of Human Vibration Griffin,M.J.
- Human Factors v.4 no.10 The Mechanical Impedance of the Human Body in Sitting and Standing Positions at Low Frequencies Coermann,R.R. https://doi.org/10.1177/001872086200400502
- Industrial Health v.13 Mechanical Impedance of Human Body in Various Postures Miwa,T. https://doi.org/10.2486/indhealth.13.1
- Proceedings of the United Kingdom Informal Group Meeting on Human Response to Vibration Short-term Effects on Seated Subjects of Whole-body Low and Medium Frequency Vibration (Biodynamic and Subjective Approaches) Donati,P.;Roure,L.
- Ph. D Thesis, Loughborough University of Technology Measurements of the Frequency Resonse Characteristics of Man Exposed to Vibration Sandover,J.
- Institute of Mechanical Engineers Conference C149/84 Modeling a Seat-person System in the Vertical and Fore-aft Axes Fairley,T.E.;Griffin,M.J.
- Journal of Biomechanics v.22 no.2 The Apparent Mass of the Seated Human Body: Vertical Vibration Fairley,T.E.;Griffin,M.J. https://doi.org/10.1016/0021-9290(89)90031-6
- Journal of Sound and Vibration v.214 no.4 Definition of a Range of Idealized Values to Characterize Seated Body Biodynamic Response Under Vertical Virbration Boileau,P.E.;Wu,X.;Rakheja,S.
- ISO 5982 Mechanical Vibration and Shock-range of Idealized Values to Characterize Seated-body Biodynamic Response Under Vertical Vibration
- 한국표준과학연구원 보고서 KRISS-2002-092 소음진동에 대한 인체영향 평가 정완섭(외 19인)
- 한국소음진동공학회 추계학술대회논문집 한국인 앉은 자세에 대한 동적질량의 실험적 연구 정완섭;박용화
- 한국소음진동공학회논문집 v.10 no.6 한국인의 앉은 자세에 대한 동적질량의 실험적 연구 박용화;정완섭