유일인수분해에 대하여

  • Published : 2003.09.01


Though the concept of unique factorization was formulated in tile 19th century, Euclid already had considered the prime factorization of natural numbers, so called tile fundamental theorem of arithmetic. The unique factorization of algebraic integers was a crucial problem in solving elliptic equations and the Fermat Last Problem in tile 19th century On the other hand the unique factorization of the formal power series ring were a critical problem in the past century. Unique factorization is one of the idealistic condition in computation and prime elements and prime ideals are vital ingredients in thinking and solving problems.



  1. 한국수학사학회지 v.16 no.1 부정방정식에 대하여 최상기
  2. Trans. Amer. Math. v.85 Homological dimensions in local rings Auslander,M.;Buchsbaum,D.
  3. J. Math. Mech. v.10 Some Remarks on Factorization in Power Series Rings Buchsbaum,D.
  4. Burton's History of Mathematics(3rd ed.) Burton,D.M.
  5. A First Course in Abstract Algebra(6th ed.) Fraleigh,j.
  6. Notices of AMS v.47 no.4 Teaching Geometry according to Euclid Hartshorne,R.
  7. Proceedings Symposia in Pure Math. v.29 Unique Factorization in Complete Local Rings Lipman,J.
  8. A Chapter in the Theory of Numbers Mordell,L.J.
  9. Arch. Math. v.15 A Note on Factorial Rings Murthy,M.P.
  10. Atti. Accad. NAz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. MAt. Natur. v.8 no.40 Su un Problem Posto da P. Samuel Salmon,P.
  11. Illinois J. Math. v.5 On Unique Factorization Domains Samuel,P.
  12. Math. Annalen v.172 Einige Beispiele Faktorieller lokaler Ringe Scheja,G.