상용식품 중의 질산염 함량 분석

Analysis of Nitrate Contents of Korean Common Foods

  • 김보영 (연세대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 윤선 (연세대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Kim, Bo-Young (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Yonsei University) ;
  • Yoon, Sun (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


질산염은 인간의 화학적 환경 의 한 요소로 식품에 천연적으로 존재하며, 식품의 가공에도 첨가되는 물질이다. 식품의 질산염 함량은 토양의 상태나 다양한 환경 요인에 의해 달라진다. 따라서 질산염 함량에 대한 외국의 자료를 국내 식품에 직접 적용하기 어려우며, 국내의 자료도 이미 10년이 넘은 것들이어서 현재 섭취하고 있는 식품과는 다른 것들도 있을 것으로 사료된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국민영양조사를 토대로 14개 식품군, 138종의 식품을 선정하여, 질산염 함량을 조사하였다. 조사된 식품의 질산염 함량은 불검출∼6733.3 mg/kg으로 그 양이 매우 다양하였으며, 식품군별 상용식품의 질산염 평균 함량을 보면, 곡류 및 곡류가공품 27.2 mg/kg, 감자류 및 감자류가공품 78.1 mg/kg, 두류 및 두류가공품 8.3 mg/kg, 종실류 불검출, 채소류 및 채소류가공품 1012.1 mg/kg, 버섯류 76.3 mg/kg, 과실류 42.2 mg/kg, 육류 및 육류가공품 34.5 mg/kg, 난류 미검출, 어패류 및 어 패류가공품 23.9 mg/kg, 해조류 23.0mg/kg, 유류 및 유류가공품 7.7 mg/kg, 조미료류 26.3 mg/kg, 기타 68.0 mg/kg이었다.

Nitrate a common component of man's chemical environment, is present in foods either naturally or in an additive introduced during processing of foods. Nitrate level of foods have been found depending on nitrosation of soils and other various environmental factors. Therefore data on nitrate contents of foods reported in other countries can not be adapted to Korean foods. Also data on nitrate levels of Korean foods available were reported 10 years ago, which would be assumed to differ from those of foods currently consuming by Koreans. The present study was attempted to determine nitrate contEnts of common foods. Based on National Nutrition Survey Report 143 food items out of 14 food groups were selected for this study Nitrate levels of common foods used in the study were from N.D (not detected) to 6733.33 mg/kg foods. Mean nitrate levels of food groups 27.2 mg/kg of cereal and grain products, 78.1 mg/kg in potatoes and potato products, 8.3 mg/kg in legumes and their products N.D of seeds and nuts, 1012.1 mg/kg of vegetables and their products,76.3 mg/kg fungi and mushrooms 42.2 mg/kg fruits,34.5 mg/kg of meat, poultry and their products,0 mg/kg in eggs, 23.9 mg/kg in fish, shellfishes and their products,23.0 mg/kg in seaweeds, 7.7 mg/kg milk and dairy products, 26.3 mg/kg in seasonings, 68.0 mg/kg in others.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Nitrate Intake Relative to Antioxidant Vitamin Intake Affects Gastric Cancer Risk: A Case-Control Study in Korea vol.59, pp.2, 2007,
  2. Dietary Intake of Nitrate Relative to Antioxidant Vitamin in Relation to Breast Cancer Risk: A Case-Control Study vol.62, pp.5, 2010,
  3. Analysis of Nitrate Contents of Agricultural Products by HPLC-UV vol.39, pp.9, 2010,
  4. 얼갈이배추김치, 열무김치 및 열무물김치의 저장 중 품질특성 및 질산염 함량 변화 vol.36, pp.6, 2007,