The Effects of Genotype, Density and Irradiance on the Growth and Mortality of the Brown Seeweed serratus Germlings

  • Choi, Han-Gil (Faculty of Biological Science and Research Institute for Basic Science, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Effects of genotype, settlement density and irradiane on the growth, mortality and population structure of Fucus serratus germlings were examined in the laboratory. The growth of F. serratus germlings was influenced by genotype of parent plants, which is likely to occur by microclimatic differentiation of substrata. The growth of germlings were greater at lower densities than higher densities indicating that intraspecific competition between germlings occurred within three weeks. Also, the growth of F. serratus germlings was better at $120\mumol\;m^-2/s^-1$ than at $60\mumol\;m^-2/s^-1$. However, mortality of germlings was determined by settlement density rather than irradiance. In population structure, skewness was increased at low irradiance and high density indicating that population structure could be changed by intraspecific competition. Thus, it is concluded that genotypic differentiation of F. serratus germlings occurred in a microgeographic scale, and the experimental density and irradiance level affected the growth of germlings.



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