- 김옥준교수 정년 퇴임정년 논문집 한국의 지질과 광물자원 김옥준
- 자원환경지질 v.33 덕음광산 선광광미와 주변토양의 중금속에 대한 수평, 수직적인 분산에 관한 연구 박영석;김진
- 서울대학교 공학박사학위 논문 금은 광산활동에 의한 비소 및 중금속 환경오염과 광산폐기물 격리저장 처리기법 안주성
- 연세논총 v.11 옥천계 지질시대 결정을 위한 연구 이대성
- 자원환경지질 v.32 공주제일광산 수계에 분포하는 지하수, 지표수, 토양 및 퇴적물의 환경지구화학적 특성과 중금속 오염 이찬희;이현구;조애란
- 한국자원공학회지 v.37 다덕광산주변 농경지의 비소 및 중금속 오염과 계절적 변화 이철규;전효택;정명채
- 광산지질 v.25 함우라늄 흑색셰일 분포지역에서의 유독성 원소들의 분산에 관한 지구화학적 연구 전효택;정명채
- Trace Elements in the Terrestrial Environment Adriano,D.C.
- Environmental chemistry of the elements Bowen,H.J.M.
- Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation v.19 Naturally occuring arsenic in sandstone aquifer water supply wells of North eastern Wisconsin Burkel,R.S.;Stoll,R.C.
- Human Toxicology v.2 Chronic arsenic poisonign in the North of Mexico. Cebrian,M.E.;Albores,A.;Aguilar,M.;Blakely,E.
- Applied Geochemistry v.11 The occurrence and dispersion of potentially toxic element in areas covered with black shales and slate in Koea Chon,H.T.;Cho,C.H.;Kim,K.W.;Moon,H.S.
- Current Science v.73 Groundwater arsenic calamity in Bangladsh Dhar P.K.;Biaswas,B.K.;Samanta,G.
- Rock geochemistry in mineral exploration Govett,G.J.S.
- Water Research v.34 Arsenic in groundwater and health porblems in Bangladesh. Karim,M.M.
- Trace elements in soils and plants Kabata-Pendias,A.;Pendias,H.
- Jonrnal of Economic and Environmental Geology of Korea v.30 Enrichment and dispersion of the potentially toxic elements in areas underlain by black shales and slates in the Chubu area, Korea Kim,J.S.;Chon,H.T.
- Appl. Gepchem. Suppl. v.2 Influence of Ordovician uraniferous black shales on the trace element composition of soils and food crops, Korea Kim,K.W.;Thornton,I.
- UN-ECE Symposium, Geneva Contents of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, fluorine, lead, mercury and nickel in plants grown on contaminated soil Kloke,A.
- The science of the Total Environments v.236 Arsenic in the Meager Creek Hot springs environment, British Columbia, Canada Koch,I.;Feldman,J.;Wang,L.;Andrewes,P.;Reimer,K.J.;Cullen,W.R.
- J. Korean Inst. Min. Geol. v.19 Mineralogy of low-grade uranium ores in the black slate of the Ogcheon Group, Kora Lee,D.S.
- Econ, Environ, Geol. v.29 Dispersion and enrichment of potentially toxic Elements in th Chungjoo area covered with black shales in Korea Lee,J.S.;Chon,H.T.;Kim,K.W.
- Journal of Geochemical Exploration v.65 Migration and dispersion of trace elements in the rock-soil-plant system in areas underlain by black shales and slates of Okchon Zone, Korea Lee,J.S.;Chon,H.T.;Kim,K.W.
- Environ. Geochem. Health v.20 Enrichment of potentially toxic elements in areas underlain by black shales and slates in Korea Lee,J.S.;Chon,H.T.;Kim,J.S.;Kim,K.W.;Moon,H.S.
- The Science of the Total Environments v.39 Arsenic in Nova Scotian Groundwater Meranger,J.C.;Subramanian,K.S.
- Journal of Geochemical Exploration v.52 Development of proposed Canadian environmental quality guidelines for cadmium Porter,E.L.;Kent,R.A.;Anderson,D.E.;Keenleyside,K.A.;Milne,D.;Cureton,P.;Smith,S.L.;Drouillard,K.G.;MacDonald,D.D.
- Geochemistry in mineral exploration(2nd ed.) Rose,A.W.;Hawkes,H.E.;Webb,J.S.
- USGS Prof. Paper Element concentrations in soils and other surficial materials of the conterminous United States Shacklette,H.T.;Boerngen,J.G.
- Geological Society of America Bulletin v.72 Distribution of the elements in some major units of the earths crust Turekian,K.K.;Wedepohl,K.H.[175:DOTEIS]2.0.CO;2
- Econ. Geology v.65 Geochemistry of black shale deposits-a summary report Vine,J.D.;Tourtelot,E.B.