Characterization of tryptophan residues of human coagulation factor V required for binding to phospholipid membranes

인지질막 결합에 필요한 제5혈액응고인자 트립토판잔기들의 역할규명

  • Kim, Suhng-Wook (Clinical Laboratory Science, College of Health Sciences, Korea University)
  • Published : 2003.08.01


Interactions between factor Va (HFVa) and membrane phosphatidylserine (PS) regulate the activity of the prothrombinase complex. I have previously shown that two solvent exposed hydrophobic residues located in the C2-domain, Trp2063 and Trp2064, are required for binding to immobilized PS and for expression of procoagulant activity on membranes containing 5% PS. In order to fully define the functional importance of these two residues I have expressed and isolated recombinant factor Va (rHFVa) W2063A/W2064A double mutant. In contrast to the native protein the two glycoforms resulting from alternative glycosylation of Asn2181 eluted as a single peak with rHFVa1 W2063A/W2064A eluting on the leading edge and rHFVa2 W2063A/W2064A eluting on the trailing edge. The double mutant rHFVa2 W2063A/W2064A expressed little or no procoagulant activity on membranes containing 1-10% mol % PS. In contrast, the procoagulant activity of this mutant was slightly greater than the native protein on membranes containing>18 mol % PS. The binding of rHFVa2 W2063A/W2064A to immobilized phospholipid vesicles was markedly reduced compared to the native protein in a surface plasmon resonance binding assay. I conclude that Trp2063 and Trp2064 are required for high affinity binding of factor Va to PS membranes and that this interaction is necessary for assembly of the prothrombinase complex on membranes containing physiological concentrations of PS.

제5인자와 지질막 phosphatidylserine과의 상호작용은 prothrombinase 복합체의 활성을 조절하는데 중요하다. 본 연구에서 제5인자의 지질 결합부위에 위치한 Trp2063과 Trp2064를 동시에 돌연변이 시킨 재조합 제5인자를 과발현 시키고 정제하였다. 돌연변이된 제5인자는 1-10%의 phosphatidylserine을 포함하는 지질막에서 아주낮은 활성을 보였다. surface plasmon resonance에 의해서 지질막과의 결합을 측정한 결과 돌연변이된 제5인자가 본래의 제5인자보다 고정된 지질막에의 결합이 현저하게 떨어지는 것을 관찰하였다. 제5인자가 phosphatidylserine을 포함하는 지질막에 높은 친화력으로 결합하기 위해서는 Trp2063과 Trp2064가 필수적이고 이러한 상호작용은 생리적인 phosphatidylserine 농도를 포함하는 지질막 위에서 prothrombinase 복합체의 형성에 필요하다는 결론을 내렸다.



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