컴퓨터 게임 의존 청소년 치료를 위한 소시오드라마 효과 연구

The Effects of Participation in Sociodrama among Computer Game Dependent Adolescents

  • 김태은 (한양대학교 대학원 가정관리학과) ;
  • 이정숙 (한양대학교 대학원 아동심리치료학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


Nowadays, computer game dependency among adolescents, especially male adolescents, is emerging as a social problem. Therefore, treatment for computer game dependency has become positively necessary. This study aimed at investigating the effects of participation in sociodrama on the students suffering from computer game addiction. For this study, 380 male students in the 8th grade were asked to complete a questionnaire about themselves. After these data had been analyzed using SPSS, eight students were selected as the experimental group. The control group consisted of eight adolescents who were similar to the experimental group in the level of computer game dependency and in the psychological factors such as impulsiveness, depression, and the lack of self-control. The experimental group participated in twelve sociodrama sessions over 11 weeks, whereas the control group did not receive any treatment. The first follow-up test was conducted eleven weeks after the pretest, and the second follow-up test was done nine weeks after the first one. The results indicate that the sociodrama played an important role in alleviating the computer game addiction. At the same time, the participation in sociodrama brought positive changes in the psychological factors of the adolescents.



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