대행 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서의 해외 패션제품에 대한 구매의도: 구매 경험자와 무경험자의 차이 연구

Behavioral Intentions toward Purchasing foreign fashion Goods through Korean Internet Shopping Malls: A Comparative Analysis between the Purchasers and Non-purchasers

  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


Korean Internet shopping malls, which provide customers not only with convenient shopping experiences but also with purchasing, warehousing, shipping, and customs clearance services, have been playing a significant role in rapidly transforming Korean consumers into global consumers especially in purchasing fashion goods. Utilizing Ajzen and Fishbein(1980)'s Behavioral Intention Model, which postulates that behavioral intention is determined by attitude and subjective norm, this study identified behavioral intentions toward purchasing foreign fashion goods through Korean Internet shopping malls and the differences of behavioral intentions according to consumers’purchasing experiences on the Internet shopping malls. The data were gathered by surveying female university students living in the Seoul metropolitan area, Korea, and 222 questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. Mean, standard deviation, factor analysis, t-test, cross tabulation, and $\chi$$^2$ analysis were used. The results indicated that purchasers had more favorable attitudes and subjective norms and higher behavioral intentions than non-purchasers. With respect to attitude, there were significant differences in behavioral beliefs and evaluation of outcomes for the variety and scarcity value factor. With respect to subjective norm, there were no significant differences in normative beliefs and motivation to comply toward friends, people who had purchasing experiences, fashion magazines. and celebrities between the two groups.



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