Ultrasonographic examination of the stifle joint four clinically and radiographically normal adult dogs was performed before and after inducing the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) rupture of the bilateral stifle surgically. At Pre- or post-surgery, the hyperechoic patella ligament and the echogenic infrapatella fat interfered the visualization of the CrCL by the plain scanning method. However when the stifle joint was imaged by the scanning method injecting normal saline within the joint capsule, the hyperechogenic ligament was visualized by the separation of the infrapatella fat and the CrCL and the contrast effect of anechoic saline. When the stifle joint was imaged by the real time scanning method after the induction of the surgical rupture, fluttering of the ligament and anechoic area between the bone and the CrCL was identified due to the lack of tonicity and continuity of the ligament. Enlargement of the ligament because of its increased diameter as well as fluttering of the CrCL and the increased joint space's thickness was visualized. Consequently, confirming fluttering of the CrCL, increased ligament diameter and anechoic region between the CrCL and the bone, ultrasonographic examination is a valuable diagnostic tool as well as cranial drawer test and radiographic examination.