Evaluation of Bone Uptake on Tc-99m-MDP in Immediate and Delayed Dental Implants

즉시형과 지연형 치아 임플란트에서 Tc-99m-MDP의 Bone Uptake 평가

  • 김중현 (충북대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학연구소) ;
  • 김명환 (충북대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학연구소) ;
  • 이원국 (충북대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학연구소) ;
  • 이재영 (충북대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학연구소) ;
  • 강성수 (전남대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학연구소) ;
  • 최석화 (충북대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학연구소)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


This investigation aimed to determine the relative merit of osseointegration in immediate and delayed implantation in the dog mandible using radiography and bone scintigraphy. five adult mongrel dogs with a mean weight of 8.5 kg were used in this investigation. During the entire study period. all dogs were fed with a soft commercial diet and water ad libitum to minimize functional loading of the implant. Twenty titanium alloy systems 4 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length blasted with calcium phosphate were prepared for insertion. The second and third left mandibular premolars in each dog were extracted for the delayed implant insertion. Twelve weeks later, the second and third right mandibular premolars were extracted for the immediate implant insertion. Before the delayed and immediate implantation procedures and 0, 4, 8, and 12 weeks after the insertions, radiography and bone scintigraphy were conducted. Bone scans were obtained using a large field of view gamma camera equipped with a collimator about 3 hours after intravenous injection of Tc-99m-MDP to the dogs. All the dogs were evaluated weekly for inflammation, necrosis, and other of the bone or sort tissue. Significant macroscopic lesions were not detected. Radioisotope scintigraphy with Tc-99m-MDP hat proved to be a reliable method for measuring increased bone activity at specific skeleton tissue sites. In conclusion, osseointegration in peri-implant bone did not differ significantly between the immediate and delayed implant procedures during the experimental period. The immediate implant may be an alternative treatment of implant insertion in animals.



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