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- Biomaterials v.20 no.22 Water-soluble chitin as a wound healing accelerator Cho,Y.W.;Cho,Y.N.;Chung,S.H.;Yoo,G.;Ko,S.W.
- I J Am Acad Dermatol v.13 Cutaneous tissue repair : basic biologic considerations Clark,R.A.F.
- J Biol Chem v.269 Genetically altered levels of inorganic polyphosphates in Escherichia coli Crooke,E.;Akiyama,N.;Rao,N.;Kornberg,A.
- Wound Repair Regen v.8 no.2 Oxandrolone, an anabolic steriod, enhanced the healing of a cutaneous wound in the rat Demling,R.H.
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- Biochim Biophys Acta v.805 no.2 Polyphosphate-mediated protection from cellular intoxication with Clostridium difficile toxin B. Florin,I.;Thelestam,M.
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- J Altern Complement Med v.2 no.2 Beneficial effect of Aloe on wound healing in an excisional wound model Heggers,J.P.;Kucukcelebi,A.;Listengarten,D.;Stabenau,J.;Ko,F.;Broemeling,L.D.;Robson,M.C.;Winters,W.D.
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- J Bacteriol v.177 no.3 Minireview ; Inorganic polyphosphate : toward making a forgotten polymer unforgettable Kornberg,A.
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- Am J Pathol v.78 no.1 The role of the macrophage in wound repair. A study with hydrocortisone and antimacrophage serum Leibovich,S.M.;Ross,R.
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- Applied and environmental microbiology v.65 no.9 Long-chain polyphosphate causes cell lysis and inhibits Bacillus cereus septum formation, which is dependent on divalent cations Maier,S.K.;Scherer,S.;Loessner,M.J.
- J Altern Complement Med v.6 no.1 The evaluation of wound-healing potential of Hypericum hookrianum leaf and stem extracts Mukherjee,P.K.;Suresh,B.
- Lab Invest v.30 Pathogenesis of the chronic inflammatory lesion induced by group A Streptococcal cell walls Page,R.C.;Davies,P.;Allison,A.C.
- Plant Physiol v.97 Polyphosphate hydrolysis within acidic vacuoles in response to amine-induced alkaline stress in the halotolerant alga Dunaliella salina Pick,U.;Weiss,M.
- Textbook of small animal surgery(2nd ed.) Wound healing and specific tissue regeneration Probst,C.W.
- Wound Repair Regen v.9 no.3 Development of angiotensin(1-7) as an agent to accelerate dermal repair Rodgers,K.;Xiong,S.;Felix,J.;Roda,N.;Espinoza,T.;Maldonado,S.;Dizerega,G.
- J Cell Biol v.44 Wound healing and collagen formation. Ⅵ. The origin of the wound fibroblast studied in parabiosis Ross,R.;Everett,N.B.;Tyler,R.
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- Ann Rev Plant Physiol v.28 Secondary compounds as protective agents Swain,T.
- J Invet Dermatol v.85 no.4 Fibronectin-mediated keratinocyte migration and intiation of fibronectin receptor function in Vitro Takashima,A.;Grinnell,F.
- Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol v.30 A model for the study of epithelial migration in wound healing Van Hattum,A.H.;James,J.;Klopper,P.J.;Muller,J.H.
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med v.101 Wound healing White,B.N.(et al.)
- Immunology v.58 Activation of human polymorphonuclear leucocytes by particulate zymosan id related to both its major carbohydrate components ; glucagon and mannan Williams,J.D.;Topley,N.;Alobaidi,H.M.;Harber,M.J.
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