국내 Holstein 젖소와 한우의 질병 발생 양상에 대한 조사 연구 - 충북지역을 중심으로 -

Survey of Disease Frequency in Holstein Dairy Cattle and Korean Native Cattle in the Chungbuk Area of Korea

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This survey was performed to investigate frequency of clinical disease in Holstein dairy cattle and Korean native cattle in Chungbuk region of Korea. This study was conducted with the veterinary clinical charts recorded by veterinarians in an animal hospital for 387 Holstein herds(14,701$\pm$1,766 head) and 180 Korean native cattle herds(1,440$\pm$786 head) from October 1998 to September 2001. The prevalent disease classes in Holstein dairy cattle were digestive systems(26.84%), reproductive system(22.48%), locomotor system(21.43%) and metabolic disorders(10.08%). The locomotor diseases were increased with 1st year, 16.27%, 2nd year, 20.93% and 3rd year, 27.08%. The dieases of digestive and reproductive system occurred frequently in winter season(30.01%, 26.03% respectively) and the disease frequency of locomotor system were very high in fall(28.44%). The predominant diseases of Holstein dairy cattle were : claw overgrowth(13.58%), indigestion(11.23%), functional infertility(8.77%), metritis(8.28%), foot diseases(7.35%), LDA (6.57%) and ketosis(5.76%). The prevalent disease classes in Korean native cattle were digestive system(43.80%), respiratory system(28.11%) and reproductive system(10.69%). Seasonally, digestive diseases occurred frequently in spring (51.55%), whereas respiratory diseases occurred frequently in winter (39.60%). The predominant diseases in Korean native cattle were calf diarrhea(32.03%), calf pneumonia(21.79%), indigestion(8.26%), dystocia(7.65%) and pneumonia(5.90%).



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