- Am J Clin Pathol v.45 Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized single disk method Bauer,A.W.;Kirby,W.M.;Sherris,T.C.;Turck,M.
- Large Anim Pract v.9/10 Delivering mastitis control systems to your clients Britten,A.M.
- Zentralbl Veterinarmed B v.46 Coagulase-negative staphylococci and mammary gland infections in cows Chaffer,M.;Leitner,G.;Winkler,M.;Glickman,A.;Krifucks,O.;Ezra,E.;Saran,A.
- J Dairy Sci v.81 Risk factors for clinical mastitis in a random sample of dairy herds from the southern part of the Netherlands Elbers,A.R.;Miltenburg,J.D.;D.E.Lange,D.;Crauwels,A.P.;Barkema,H.W.;Schukken,Y.H.
- J Dairy Sci v.77 Physiology of mastitis and factors affecting somatic cell counts Harmon,R.J.
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.187 Antibiotic susceptibility profiles for mastitis treatment Hinckley,L.S.;Benson,R.H.;Post,J.E.;DeCloux,J.C.
- J Dairy Sci v.62 Common mammary pathogens and factors in infection and mastitis Jain,N.C.
- J Dairy Sci v.82 A study on the prevalence of gram-negative bacteria in bulk tank milk Jayarao,B.M.;Wang,L.
- J Milk Food Technol v.38 Effect of milking machine design and function on new intramammary infection McDonald,J.S.
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.170 Streptococcal and staphylococcal mastitis McDonald,J.S.
- J Dairy Sci v.78 Mastitis in dairy heifers: initial studies on prevalence and control Nickerson,S.C.;Owens,W.E.;Boddie,R.L.
- J Dairy Sci v.83 Risk factors associated with clinical mastitis in low somatic cell count British dairy herds Peeler,E.J.;Green,M.J.;Fitzpatrick,J.L.;Morgan,K.L.;Green,L.E.
- Veterinary medicine(9th ed.) Radositis,O.M.;Gay,C.C.;Blood,D.C.;Hinchcliff,K.W.
- Prev Vet Med v.35 Clinical, bacteriological and epidemiological aspects of clinical mastitis in Israeli dairy herds Shpigel,N.Y.;Winkler,M.;Ziv,G.;Saran,A.
- J Dairy Sci v.66 Mastitis control: a discussion Smith,K.L.
- Vet Microbiol v.34 Characteristics of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from bovine intramammary infection Todhunter,D.A.;Cantwell,L.L.;Smith,K.L.;Smith,K.L.;Hoblet,K.H.;Hogan,J.S.
- J Dairy Sci v.73 Antimicrobial susceptibility of staphylococcal species isolated from mammary glands of unbred and primigravid dairy heifers Trinidad,P.;Nickerson,S.C.;Luther,D.G.
- J Dairy Sci v.83 Protection against Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy cows using a bismuth-based teat seal containing the bacteriocin, lacticin 3147 Twomey,D.P.;Wheelock,A.I.;Flynn,J.;Meaney,W.J.;Hill,C.;Ross,R.P.
- J Dairy Sci v.83 Identification of Corynebacterium bovis and other coryneforms isolated from bovine mammary glands Watts,J.L.;Lowery,D.E.;Teel,J.F.;Rossbach,S.
- J Dairy Sci v.80 Bovine mastitis pathogens in New York and Pennsylvania: prevalence and effects on somatic cell count and milk production Wilson,D.J.;Gonzalez,R.N.;Das,H.H.
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