Extending Quality Concepts to Cope with The Needs of a Global World

  • Conti, Tito (Organizational Assessment Management(O.A.M))
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The concept of quality is revisited to evidence its applicability beyond the product and economic transaction level, to cover every kind of human and social relation. A very important extension indeed in this globalization era, where an increasingly interconnected world badly needs rules and means to improve quality, both at economic and political level. To that aim, some commonplaces about quality need to be exposed to criticism and the close connection between ″value″ and ″quality″ concepts must be highlighted. Generalization of the quality related concepts could appear to be just a theoretical issue were it not for the fact that it opens the door to the extension of ″quality management″ concepts to every kind of organization: from the company to the state to the planet. ″Managing for quality″ appears to be a fundamental issue for all human-made systems.



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