압출 암반내 굴착된 터널의 안정성해석

Stability Analysis of Tunnels Excavated in Squeezing Rock Masses

  • 정소걸 (한국지질자원연구원 지반안전연구부)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


Refering to the articles "Squeezing rocks in tunnels(Barla, 1995)" and "Tunnelling under squeezing rock conditions(Barla 2002)" this article deals with technologies for design, stability analysis and construction of the tunnel being driven in the squeezing rock mass. The definition of this type of behavior was proposed by ISRM(1994). The identification and quantification of squeezing is given according to both the empirical and semi-empirical methods available to anticipate the potential of squeezing problems in tunnelling. Based on the experiences and lessons learned in recent years, the state of the art in modem construction methods was reported, when dealing with squeezing rock masses by either conventional or mechanical excavation methods. The closed-form solutions available for the analysis of the rock mass response during tunnel excavation are described in terms of the ground characteristic line and with reference to some elasto-plastic models for the given rock mass. Finally numerical methods were used for the simulation of different models and for design analysis of complex excavation and support systems, including three-dimensional conditions in order to quantify the influence of the advancing tunnel face to the deformation behavior of the tunnel.



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