An Analytical Study of the Exhibits in the Section of Biology in the National Science Fairs

전국과학전람회 생물부문 출품작 분석

  • 최도성 (광주교육대학교 과학교육과)
  • Published : 2003.05.01


The total 4,895 works presented at Science Fairs for the past 17 years(1986∼2002) are classified by subjects and participators, and the 1,277 works in biology section are analyzed by participators, contents, and object materials. The results are as follows: The proportion of exhibits according to sections was the most in Biology(26.1%). The social position of exhibitors and its proportion were 45.7% in students and 54.3% in teachers and popular people. The proportions of students' exhibits by the level of school were elementary school(68.3%). middle school(14.3%), and high school(17.4%). This indicates rapid decrease in the number of exhibits in middle and high schools. The proportion of students' exhibits(55.9%) is higher than that of teachers' exhibits(44.1%) in the section of Biology. In terms of contents, exhibits about Physiology and Ecology were the most(67.6%). The materials used in those exhibits and the proportion were Animalia(50.9%), Plantae(39.9%), Fungi(5.7%), Monera(1.8%), and Protista(1.7%). The proportion of taxa in plants studied in the exhibits were Dicotyledoneae(65.9%) and Monocotyledoneae(17.3%). The proportion of taxa In animals was Arthropoda(60.2%), Vertebrata(24.9%), and Mollusca(11.1%). The species used in those exhibits and its times were pine tree(11 times), dandelion(10 times), and butterfly(11 times).
