식품의약품안전청 지정 HACCP 적용 위탁급식소의 HACCP system 조사

HACCP Systems of Contract Foodservice Establishments Appointed by Korea Food and Drug Administration

  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


The purpose of the study was to investigate the HACCP systems of contract foodservice establishments by surveying HACCP plans and prerequisite programs from the twelve HACCP-implemented contract foodservice establishments appointed by KFDA. All the subjects (100%) appeared to develop HACCP plans with their own hazard analysis. Except the two giving no response, it turned out that two establishments had 2 CCPs (20%), four had 4∼5 CCPs (40%) and another four had 9 CCPs (40%). Especially, 'cleaning and sanitizing of raw vegetables and fruits (90%)' and 'cooking (temperature) (100%)' were monitored as CCPs by all the subjects. Only one subject (8.3%) answered that continuous monitoring was not conducted. But the verification, record keeping and internal audits were maintained by all the subjects (100%). Most of the surveyed foodservice establishments maintained various prerequisite programs enough to back up HACCP system.



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