고품질 다채널 한국어 음성합성 시스템 개발 동향

  • 발행 : 2003.07.01




  1. Progress in Speech Synthesis Nick Campbell;Alan,W.Black
  2. Corpus-based methods in Language and Speech Processing Steve Young;Gerrit Bloothooft
  3. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. v.90 The use of prosody in syntatic disambiguatin P.Price(et al.)
  4. From text to speech : the MITalk system Allen,J.;Hunnicutt,S.;Klatt,D.
  5. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing v.3 no.2 Statistical Analysis of Mandarin Acoustic Units and Automatic Extraction of Phonetically Rich Sentences Based Upon a Very Large Chinese Text Corpus Hsin min Wang
  6. Proc. Eurospeech Automatically clustering similar units for unit selection in speech synthesis Black,A.;Taylor,P.
  7. PhD. Thesis, Cambridge University Engineering Department Trainable Speech Synthesis Donovan,R.E.