6차 단일종단 이중모드 타원응답 필터의 회로망 파라미터 추출에 관한 연구

Network Parameters of 6-Pole Dual-Mode Singly Terminated Elliptic Function Filter

  • Lee, Juseop (Communications Satellite Development Center, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute) ;
  • Uhm, Man-Seok (Communications Satellite Development Center, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute) ;
  • Yom, In-Bok (Communications Satellite Development Center, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, Seong-Pal (Communications Satellite Development Center, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2003.07.01


An output multiplexer of manifold type is widely used in a recent satellite transponder for its mass and volume reduction. For correct operation, the filters of such a multiplexer must be singly terminated. In this paper, a simple synthesis method of a 6-pole dual-mode singly-terminated filter is described. From the transfer function of the filter, network parameters such as in/output terminations and coupling coefficients are obtained easily without complicated matrix algebra such as orthogonal projection and similarity transformation. Two different-structure filters are taken into consideration and the network parameters of each filter have been extracted from the same transfer function. It is shown that the responses of two filters are same to each other since their network parameters are obtained from the same transfer function. The method described in this paper can be applied to the other degree singly terminated filter.



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