대수주기 다이폴안테나로 급전되는 코너리플렉터안테나의 해석

Analysis of Corner Reflector Antennas feeding by Log-Periodic Dipole Antennas

  • 발행 : 2003.07.01


본 논문에서는 광대역과 고이득 특성을 동시에 갖는 안테나를 설계하기 위해 코너리플렉터 안테나에 급전소자로 LPDA(Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna)를 결합시킨 CRLPDA(Corner Reflector Antenna feeding by Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna)를 제안하였다. 1,400 MHz ∼ 2,400 MHz에서 동작하는 CRLPDA를 설계하고 모멘트 법을 이용하여 설계안테나의 복사특성을 해석하였다. 설계된 안테나의 타당성을 검토하기 위해 CRLPDA를 제작하고 복사특성을 측정하여 계산결과와 비교하였다. 측정결과는 1.000 MHz 이상의 대역에서 VSWR이 2이하를 만족하였고, 이득은 전 대역에서 13 dBi 이상이었다.

In this paper, to achieve a broad-band and high-gain antenna, we thus designed and analyzed the CRLPDA(Corner Reflector Antenna feeding by Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna) made up of 90$^{\circ}$corner reflector, which is trough-reflector type installed a planar reflector at the folded line. CRLPDA for operating frequency band of 1,400 MHB ~ 2,400 MHz was designed and radiation characteristics of the designed antenna were analyzed by moment method. To verify the analysis results, CRLPDA was fabricated and the calculated results were compared with the measured results. The measured results showed good agreement with the calculated results. As the result of measurements, bandwidth(VSWR>2) for 1,000 MHz was achieved and gain was 13 dBi.



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  2. The AARL Antenna Handbook AARL
  3. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.AP-21 Comment on the design of the log-periodic dipole antennas De.Vito;G.B.Stracca
  4. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. v.AP-18 Mutual coupling between log-periodic dipole antennas R.H.Kyle
  5. 10th Annual Symposium on the USAF Antenna R & D Program An analysis of the log-periodic dipole antenna R.Carrel
  6. Radio Sci. v.2 Log-periodic dipole antenna W.M.Cheng;R.W.King
  7. Numerical and Asymptotic Techniques in Electromagnetics Applications of the method of moments to thin-wire elements and arrays W.A.Imbrale
  8. Antenna Theory and Design W.L.Stutzman;G.A.Thiele
  9. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat. Use of log-periodic feeds in corner reflectors D.T.Stephenson;S.K.Finley
  10. Theory and Application of Antenna Arrays M.T.Ma
  11. Antennas J.D.Kraus