Evaluation of Nonlinear κ-ε Models on Prediction Performance of Turbulence-Driven Secondary Flows

난류에 의해 야기되는 이차유동 예측성능에 대한 비선형 κ-ε 난류모델의 평가

  • 명현국 (국민대학교 기계자동차공학부)
  • Published : 2003.08.01


Nonlinear relationship between Reynolds stresses and the rate of strain of nonlinear k-$\varepsilon$models is evaluated theoretically by using the boundary layer assumptions against the turbulence-driven secondary flows in noncircular ducts and then their prediction performance is validated numerically through the application to the fully developed turbulent flow in a square duct. Typical predicted quantities such as mean axial and secondary velocities, turbulent kinetic energy and Reynolds stresses are compared with available experimental data. The nonlinear k-$\varepsilon$ model adopted in a commercial code is found to be unable to predict accurately duct flows with the prediction level of secondary flows one order less than that of the experiment.



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