수조내 증기제트 응축현상 제고찰

Review of Steam Jet Condensation in a Water Pool

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


APR1400과 같은 차세대 원자력발전소에서는 원자로 안전성을 증진시키기 위하여 SDVS와 같은 계통을 도입하고 있다. 완전급수상실사고와 같은 경우는 POSRV가 개방되어 수조내 Sparger를 통하여 증기가 방출·응축되게 된다 증기가 응축함에 있어서 설계에서 고려해야 될 사항은 하중과 수조 혼합이며 증기제트 응축의 물리적 현상 이해를 통하여 적절한 대처를 마련할 수 있다. 수조내 Sparger를 통하여 분사되는 증기 응축에 대하여 하중과 수조 혼합 검토에 도움이 될 수 있도록 증기제트 응축의 물리적 현상 이해에 대한 검토와 평가를 수행하였다.

In the advanced nuclear power plants including APR1400, the SDVS (Safety Depressurization and Vent System) is adopted to increase the plant safety using the concept of feed-and-bleed operation. In the case of the TLOFW (Total Loss of Feedwater), the POSRV (Power Operated Safety Relief Value) located at the top of the pressurizer is expected to open due to the pressurization of the reactor coolant system and discharges steam and/or water mixture into the water pool, where the mixture is condensed. During the condensation of the mixture, thermal-hydraulic loads such as pressure and temperature variations are induced to the pool structure. For the pool structure design, such thermal-hydraulic aspects should be considered. Understanding the phenomena of the submerged steam jet condensation in a water pool is helpful for system designers to design proper pool structure, sparger, and supports etc. This paper reviews and evaluates the steam jet condensation in a water pool on the physical phenomena of the steam condensation including condensation regime map, heat transfer coefficient, steam plume, steam jet condensation load, and steam jet induced flow.



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