ISC모델의 적용성 평가 - 소각장 주변지역의 단기농도예측

Performance of ISC model-Predicting short-term concentrations around waste incinerator plant

  • 정상진 (경기대학교 토목환경공학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.07.01


The short-term version of Industrial Source Complex Model(ISCST3) was evaluated for estimating short-term concentrations using criteria pollutant(SO$_2$, NO$_2$, CO, PM10) data from emission inventory of Young Tong area in Suwon for the year 2002. The contribution of pollutant concentration from point, line, area sources was found 21.8, 76.5 and 1.6%. Statistical parameters, such as correlation coefficient, index of agreement(IA), normalized mean square error(NMSE) and fractional bias(FB) were calculated for each pollutants. The model performance were found good for PM10(82%) and NO$_2$(69%), but poor for SO$_2$(34%) and CO(13%).



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