저농도 연 폭로근로자들의 혈중 및 요중 연량과 생화학적 검사치들 간의 관련성

Relationship between Lead Levels in Blood and Urine and Laboratory Test Values among Lead Exposed Workers

  • 김종숙 (충남대학교 보건대학원) ;
  • 정용준 (충남대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 조영채 (충남대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


The study subjects included the workers who were estimated to have been exposed in a low density of lead-laden glaze from pottery manufacturers. They were evaluated in terms of PbB and PbU as indices of lead concentration in the body, and Hb, Hct, ALAD, and FEP as indices of biochemical lead poisoning. Consequently, the study results revealed the relationship between each of indices and its effectiveness to indicate the degree of occupational lead exposure. 1. The mean of PbB was $22.85{\;}{\mu}g/d{\ell}$(range; $4.2~44.7{\;}{\mu}g/d{\ell}$) and PbU $45.69{\mu}g/d{\ell}$(range; $6.7~87.5{\mu}g/d{\ell}$), to indicate the level of lead exposure in the subjects. 2. While there was a high, linear correlation between PbB, PbU and FEP (r=0.835, r=0.855, respectively), a low correlation existed between PbB and ALAD(r=-0.240). 3. While there was a high, linear correlation between PbU and FEP(r=0.825), a low correlation existed between PbU and ALAD(r=-0.352). The above results suggest that FEP can be used as a highly useful biochemical index of lead poisoning, based on its high correlation with PbB and PbU indicating lead concentration in the body.



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