가상 일의 원리에서 유한요소코드, 그리고 Hydrocode까지

  • 하재선 (대한항공 항공기술연구원)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01




  1. Journal of Aeronautical Science v.23 Stiffness and deflection analysis of complex structures Turner,M.J.;Clough,R.W;Martin.H.C;Topp.L.J.
  2. The Mechanical Investigations of Leonardo da Vinci Hart,I.B.
  3. A History of Mechanics Dugas,R.
  4. Mechanique Analytique Lagrange,J.L.
  5. Trans. And pub. Court The Science of Mechanics Mach,E.
  6. The History of the Strength of Materials Timoshenko,S.P.
  7. Energy Methods in Applied Mechanics Langhaar.H.L.
  8. Variational Methods in Elasticity and Plasticity($3^ {rd}$ ed.) Washizu,K.
  9. Energy and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics: With an Introduction to the Finite Element Method Reddy,J,N.
  10. Energy Methods in Stress Analysis Richards,T.H.
  11. Introduction to the Mechanics of A Continuous Medium Malvern,L.E.
  12. Derivation of Element Stiffness Matrices by Assumed Stress Distribution v.2 Pian,T.H.H.
  13. Journal of Applied Mechanics v.8 no.4 Solution of Problem in Elasticity by the Frame Work Method Hrennikoff,A.
  14. Journal of Institution of Civil Engineers v.21 A Lattice Analogy for the Solution of Plane Stress Problems McHenry,D.
  15. Journal of Aeronautical Sciences v.20 no.7 Structural Analysis and Influence Coefficient for Delta Wings Levy,S.
  16. Aircraft Engineering Energy Theorems and Structural Analysis Argyris,J.H.
  17. Computers and Structures v.79 Thoughts about the Origin of the Finite Element Method Clough,R.W.
  18. Proc. ASCE Conf Electron Computat The Finite Element Method in Plane Stress Analysis Clough,R.W.
  19. Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continuum and Structures Belytschko,T.;Liu,W.K.;Moran,B.
  20. Conf. Use Digital Comput. Structure Eng. Univ. of Newcastle Numerical Integration Applied to Finite Element Methods Irons,B.M.
  21. Engineering Application of Numerical Integration in Stiffness Method v.14 Irons,B.M.
  22. Engl. Elec. Aviation Rep. No. SO17 Structural Analysis by the Matrix Displacement Method Taig,I.C.
  23. Computers and Structures v.81 Preface for the $60^ {th}$ Birthday of klaus-Jurgen Bathe Tedesco,J.;Walczak,J.
  24. The Machine-independent System ASKA, Nord. Data-70 Conf. Computer Aided Structural Analysis Argyis,J.H;Bronlund,O.E.;Sorensen,M.
  25. PISCES-2DELK Theoretical Manual Physics International Hancock,S.
  26. Review: Hydrocodes for Structural Response to Underwater Explosions, Shock and Vibration 6/2 Mair,H.U.
  27. International Journal of Impact Engineering v.5 An Overview of the Theory of Hydrocodes Anderson,Jr.C.E.
  28. International Journal of Impact Engineering v.5 History and Application of Hydrocodes in Hypervelocity Impact Johnson,W.E.;Anderson,Jr.C.E.
  29. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.99 Computational Methods in Lagrangian and Eulerion Hydrocodes Benson,D.J.
  30. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.33 Recent Developments in Lagrangian-Scale Finite Element Lagrangian Hydrocode Technology Goudreau,G.L.;Hallquist,J.O.
  31. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.51 Sliding Interfaces with Contact-Impact in Large-Scale Lagrangian Computations Hallquist,J.O.;Goudreau,G.L.;Benson,D.J.
  32. Methods in Computational Physics, Vol. 3, Fundamental Methods in Hydrodynamics A Time-Dependent,Two-Space-Dimensional, Coupled Eulerian-Lagrange Code Noh,W.F.
  33. Report AFWL-TR-66-19, Air Force Weapons Laboratory Theory and Structure of the AFTON Codes Trulio,J.G.
  34. J. Comput. Phys. v.14 An Arbitary Lagrangian-Eulerian Computing Method for All Flow Speeds Hirt,C.W.;Amsden,A.A.;Cook,J.L.
  35. J. Comput. Phys. v.17 Calculating Three-Dimensional Fluid Flows at All Flow Speeds With an Eulerian-Lagrangian Computing Mesh Pracht,W.W.
  36. International Journal of Numerical Methods In Engineering v.4 Computational Simulation of Transient Blast Loading Both First and Second Derivatives Stein,L.R.;Gentry,R.A.;Hirt,C.W.
  37. ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technology v.102 Quasi-Eulerian Finite Element Formulation for Fluid-Structure Interaction Belytschko,T.;Kennedy,J.M.;Schoeberle,D.F.
  38. SALE: A Simplified ALE Compuater Program for Fluid Flow at All Speeds Amsden,A.A.;Ruppel,H.M.;Hirt,C.W.
  39. SALE-3D: A Simplified ALE Computer Program for Calculating Three-Dimensional Fluid Flow Amsden,A.A.;Ruppel,H.M.
  40. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.32 Streamline Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin Formulations for Convection-Dominated Flows with Particular Emphasis on the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Brooks,A.N.;Hughes,T.J.R.
  41. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.68 Arbitary Lagrangian-Eulerian Petrov-Galerkin Finite Elements for Nonlinear Continua Liu,W.K.;Chang,H.;Chen,J.S.;Belytschko,T.
  42. Physics and Numerics of the Tensor Code, UCID-19428 Burton,D.E.;Lettis,L.A.;Bryan,J.B.;Fray,N.R.
  43. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics v.45 Implicit-Explicit Finite Elements In Transient Analysis: Implementation and Numerical Examples Hughes,T.J.R.;Liu,W.K.
  44. US-Germany Symposium on Formulation and Computational Algorithms in Finite Element Analysis Mesh Partitions of Explicit-Implicit Time Integration Belytschko,T.;Mullen,R.
  45. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.72 An Efficient, Accurate, Simple ALE Method for Nonlinear Finite Element Programs Benson,D.J.
  46. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, LA-5100 An Arbitary Lagrangian-Eulerian Computer Program for Fluid Flow at All Speeds Amsden,A.A.;Hirt,C.W.
  47. Methods of Computational Physics, Vol. 3, Fundamental Methods in Hydrodynamics Calculation of Elastic-Plastic Flow Wilkins,M.L.
  48. Methods of Computational Physics, Vol. 3, Fundamental Methods in Hydrodynamics The TENSOR code Maenchen,G.;Sack,S.
  49. Compuational Inelasticity Simo,J.C.;Hughes,T.J.R.
  50. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering v.22 Return Mapping Algorithm for Plane Stress Elastoplasticity Simo,J.C.;Taylor,R.L.
  51. SC-RR-68-41 TOODY Ⅱ, A Computer Program for Two-Dimensional Wave Propagation Bertholf,L.D.;Benzley,S.E.
  52. Report 74-0039 HONDO-A Finite Element Computer Program for the Large Deformation Response of Axisymmetric Solids Key,S.W.
  53. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.4 A Finite Element Procedure for Large Deformation Dyanmic Response of Axisymmetric Solids Key,S.W.
  54. Report AFWL-TR-72-104, Air Force Weapons Laboratory A Computer Code for Dynamic Stress Analysis of Media-Structure Problem with Nonlinearities(SAMSON) Chiapetta,R.;Belytschko,T.;Rouse,J.
  55. Contract Report No. 343, USA Ballistic Research Laboratory EPIC-3, A Computer Program for Elastic-Plastic Impact Calculations in 3 Dimensions Johnson,G.R.
  56. ARBRL-CR-00373, USA Ballistic Research Laboratory EPIC-2, A Computer Program for Elastic-Plastic Impact Calculations in 2 Dimensions Plus Spin Johnson,G.R.
  57. Journal of Engineering Merchanics Division,ASAE v.93 Finite Element Approach to Stress Wave Problems Costinano,C.J.
  58. University of Califomia, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Report UCID-17268 Preliminary User's Manual for DYNA3D and DYNAP(Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Solids in Three Dimension) Hallquist,J.O.
  59. Structural Mechanics Software Series v.2 WHAMS: A Program for Transient Analysis of Structures and Continua Belytschko,T.;Mullen,R.Perrone,N.(ed.);Pilkey,W.(ed.)
  60. Transactions of the 9th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology Current Status of the WHAMS-3D Code Kennedy,J.M.;Belytschko,T.
  61. HONDOⅡ-A Finite Element Computer Program for the Large Deformation Dynamics Response of Axisymmetric Solids, SAND78-0422 Key,S.W.;Beisinger,Z.E.;Krieg,R.D.
  62. Sandia National Laboratories, Report SAND86-0594 PRONTO 2D-A Two Dimensional Transient Solid Dynamics Program Taylor,L.M.;Flanagan,D.P.
  63. Sandia National Laboratories, Report SAND87-1912 PRONTO 3D-A Three Dimensional Transient Soid Dynamics Program Taylor,L.M.;Flanagan,D.P.
  64. Sandia National Laboratories, Report SAND90-0102 Update of PRONTO 2D and PRONTO 3D Transient Solid Dynamics Program Attaway,S.W.
  65. SAND-93-1781C Coupling of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics with PRONTO Attaway,S.W.;Heinstein,M.W.;Mello,F.J.;Swegle,J.W.
  66. Parallel Contact Detection Algorithm for Transient Solid Dynamics Simulations Using PRONTO 3D, SAND-96-0593C Attaway,S.W.;Hendrickson,B.A.;Plimpton,,S.J.(et al.)
  67. Acta Mechanica v.32 On the Analysis of Rotation and Stress Rate in Deformation Bodies Dienes,J.K.
  68. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Theoretical Foundation for Large-Scale Computations Nonlinear Material Behavior Numerical Implementation of Constitutive Models: Rate-Independent Deviatoric Plasticity Hughes,,T.J.R.
  69. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.62 An Accurate Numerical Algorithm for Stress Integration with Finite Rotations Flanagan,D.P.;Taylor,L.M.
  70. UCSAESM 74-8, University of California at Berkeley Finite Element Formulation and Solution of Contact-Impact Problems in Continuum Mechanics Hughes,T.J.R.;Sackman,J.L.;Taylor,R.L.
  71. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.8 A Finite Element Method for a Class of Contact-Impact Problems Hughes,T.J.R.;Taylor,R.L.;Sackman,J.L,.
  72. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.78 A Single Surface Contact Algorithm for the Post Buckling Analysis of Shell Structures Benson,D.J.;Hallquist,J.O.
  73. Constitutive Equations in Viscoplasticity: Computational and Engineering Aspects v.20 Implementation of a Time Dependent Plasticity Theory into Structural Programs Krieg,R.D.;Key,S.W.
  74. Mat. Sb v.47 Finite Difference Method for Numerical Computation of Discontinuous Solutions of the Equations of Fluid Dynamics Godunov,S.K.
  75. Journal of Computational Physics v.32 Towards the Ultimate Conservative Difference Scheme, V.A Second Order Sequel to Godunov's Method van Leer,B.
  76. Los Alamos Scientific Lab., Report No. LA-2139 The Particle In-Cell Method for Hydrodynamic Calculations Evans,M.E.;Harlow,F.H.
  77. Proc.1989 Hypervelocity Impact Symposium CTH:A Three-Dimensional Shock Wave Physics Code McGlaun,J.M.;Thornpson,S.L.;Erick,M.G.
  78. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCID-19688 The JOY Computer Code Couch,R.;Albright,E.;Alexander,N.
  79. Proc. Supercomputing World Conference MESA: A-3D Computer Code for Armor/Anti-Armor Applications Holian,K.S.;Mandell,D.A.;Adams,T.F.;Addessio,F.L.;Baumgardner,J.R.;Mosso,S.J.
  80. Los Alamos National Laboratory,Report LA-UR-93-2400 A Parallel Finite-Difference Eulerian Method for Transient Three-Dimensional Multi-Material Deformation and Fluid Flow Kothe,D.B.;Baumgardner,J.R.;Bennion,S.T.;Cerutti,J.H.;Daly,B.J.;Holian,K.S.;Kober(et al.)
  81. The DYSMAS Program Family, IABG, Munich, Germany, Document B-TF-V197/3 IABG
  82. MSC/DYTRAN User's Manual The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, Part Number DT/A/000/UM Keene,R.;Prior,A.
  83. Orlando Technologies, Inc. Technical Report HULL Documentation:VolumeⅡ, User's Manual Matuska,D.A.;Osborn,J.
  84. Proceedings of the $12^ {th}$ U.S.National Congress on Computational Mechanics The CTH-EPIC Link-A Coupled Eulerian/Largrangian Computational Method Yarrington.P.
  85. AUTODYN User's Manual(Version 2.1) Century Dynamics
  86. LS-DYNA User's Manual(Version 960) Livermore Software Technology Coporation LSTC
  87. RAM-CRASH User's Manual, Theory Manual, Example Manual(Version 10.2), Eng.System Int ESI
  88. CALE User's Manual Tipton,R.
  89. Los Alamos National Laboratory LA-10613-MS-REVISED CAVEAT: A Computer Code for Fluid Dynamics Problems with Large Distortion and Internal Slip Addessio,F.L;Carroll,D.E;Dukowicz,J.K(et al.)
  90. Users Manual for ALE3D - An Arbitrary Lagrange/Eulerian 2D Code System Anderson,S;Dube,E.;Otero,I.;Sharp,R.
  91. RHALE: A 3-D MMALE Code for Unstructured Grids 1993 ASME Winter Annual Meeting Peery,J.S.;Budge,K.G.;Wong,M.K.;Trucano,T.G.
  92. The Free-Lagrange Method, Lecture Notes in Physics Fritts,M.J(ed.);Crowley,W.P.(ed.);Trease,H.(ed.)