선진 시장에서의 소비자만족 전략 수립 방안에 관한 사례연구

A Case Study of Planning Strategy for Customer Satisfaction in Advanced Markets

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


In this paper, we use and apply statistical tools to planning marketing strategy in advanced markets. New comers with low brand awareness in advanced markets can not attain high profit easily and need more effective strategic approach. In this paper, an effective and practical procedure is proposed to plan marketing strategies to satisfy the customer and increase the market share in advanced markets. The procedure consists of 5 steps : market survey, determining target brand, evaluation of brand attributes, gap analysis to determine the goal, and correlation analysis for effective improvement method. A case study is studied in the European market for electric appliances, between a Korean company and other companies. Various statistical tools are used to analyze the phenomena and some important conclusions are derived for effective marketing.



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