시간$\cdot$공간적 변화에 따른 장수지수 결정 요인의 특성

Characteristics of Longevity Factor with Time and Spatial Changes

  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


In this study, we research about the relationships of human longevity and environments, inducted the significant factors of longevity from the statistical analysis, and represented spatial distribution of longevity using geographic information system. The factors confining human longevity can be categorized by geography/geology, climate/weather, economy, and social welfare. After analyzing statistical data, dependent variable which means the longevity index is defined by the ratio of population more than 85 years old among population more than 65 years old. The results of analysis show that longevity are related with waterworks ratio, temperature, local tax ratio, and latitude. In this study we discussed about the spatial characteristics which are represented by variance of the longevity index and described a spatial relationship between the longevity index and significant factors which are chosen by statistical analysis. In the further study, in order to sustain the longevity of a region, it is necessary for the effective rural planning to propagate a longevity of rural areas.



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