유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경을 위한 센싱 기술과 컨텍스트-인식 기술의 연구 동향

  • 발행 : 2003.05.01




  1. ubiq Mark Weiser
  2. 마이크로소프트웨어 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅이 바꾸는 미래 우운택
  3. Proc. of Workshop on Software Engineering for Wearable and Pervasive Computing On sensor frameworks for pervasive systems B.Yoshimi
  4. Proceeding of IEEE v.85 Sensor fusion potential exploitation: Innovative architectures and illustrative approaches B. V. Dasarathy
  5. Active Badge
  6. Proc. of conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Rapid prototyping of mobile contextaware applications: The cyberguide case study S. Long;R. Kooper;G. D. Abowd;C. G. Atkeson
  7. Proc. of International Symposium on wearable computing (ISWC'97 Cambridge, MA) A touring machine: Prototyping 3D mobile augmented reality systems for exploring the urban environment S. Feiner;B. MacIntyre;T. Hollerer;A. Webster
  8. Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISEC'99, New Orleans, Louisiana) Caches in the air: Disseminating tourist information in the guide system N. Davies;K. Cheverst;K. Mitchell;A. Friday
  9. IEEE Personal Communications v.4 no.5 ORL Active Floor M. D. Addlesee;A. H. Jones;F. Livesey;F.S. Samaria
  10. Proc. of the 2000 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2000, The Hague, Netherlands) The Smart Floor: A Mechanism for Natural User Identification and Tracking R.J.Orr;G.D.Abowd
  11. Technical Report MSR-TR2000-12, Microsoft Research Enhancements to the RADAR user location and tracking system P. Bahl;V. N. Padmanabhan
  12. Smart Card
  13. 스마트카드
  14. 한국신호처리학술대회 v.15 no.1 스마트키를 이용한 사용자 인증 및 환경제어 오유수;장세이;우운택
  15. 생체 인식 기술
  16. 바코드
  17. RFID
  18. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Object Recognition for an Intelligent Room R.Campbell;J.Krumm
  19. Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota) Social net: Using patterns of physical proximity over time to infer shared interests M. Terry;E. D. Mynatt;K. Ryall;D. L. Leigh
  20. The fourth International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture-Recognition (Grenoble, France) Fast Tracking of Hands and Fingertips in Infrared Images for Augmented Desk Interface Y. Sato;Y. Kobayashi;H. Koike
  21. Motion Tracking
  22. Actes Proceedings IMAGINA Toward Agents that Recognize Emotion R.W.Picard
  23. IEEE Personal Communications v.4 no.5 Context-Aware Applications: From the Laboratory to the Marketplace P.J. Brown;J. D. Bovey;X. Chen
  24. Computer Applications in Archaeology Enhanced Reality Fieldwork: the Context-Aware Archaeological N. S. Ryan;J. Pascoe; D. R. Morse
  25. AAAI 1998 Spring Symposium on Intelligent Environments, Technical Report SS-98-02 Context-Aware Computing: The CyberDesk Project A.K. Dey
  26. 1st International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications Context-Aware Computing Applications B. Schilit;N. Adams;R. Want
  27. Knowledge-Based Systems v.11 A CyberDesk: A Framework for Providing Self-Integrating Context-Aware Services A.K. Dey;G. D. Abowd;A. Wood
  28. 2nd International Symposium on Wearable Computers Adding Generic Contextual Capabilities to Wearable Computers J. Pascoe
  29. Porceedings of the CHI 2000 Workshop on The What, Who, Where, When, and How of Context-Awareness (The Hague, Netherlands) Towards a Better Understanding of Context and Context Awareness A.K.Dey;G.D.Abowd
  30. 한국정보과학회 HCI 논문집 v.2 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경을 위한 컨텍스트 기반 애플리케이션 구조 장세이;우운택
  31. 한국정보과학회 논문지 ubiHome을 위한 컨텍스트 기반 응용 서비스 모형 장세이;우운택
  32. LNAI ubi-UCAM: A Unified Context-Aware Application Model S.Jang;W.Woo
  33. IEEE Network v.8 no.5 M. Disseminating Active Map Information to Mobile Hosts B. Schilit;M. Theimer
  34. 1st International Symposium on Wearable Computers Towards Situated Computing R. Hull;P. Neaves;J. Bedford Roberts
  35. Workshop on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices Human-Computer-Giraffe Interaction-HCI in the Field J. Pascoe;N. S. Ryan;D. R. Morse
  36. Georgia Tech GVU Technical Report GIT-GVU-98-01 Ubiquitous Computing: Defining an HCI Research Agenda for an Emerging Interaction Paradigm D. Salber;A. K. Dey;G. D. Abowd
  37. Project working document (ver0.2) Mobile Computing in a Fieldwork Environment: Metadata Elements N. Ryan
  38. Personal Technologies v.2 no.1 Triggering Information by Context P.J. Brown
  39. 1st International Symposium on Wearable Computers Software Organization for Dynamic and Adaptable Wearable Systems S. Fickas;G. Kortuem;Z. Segall
  40. Technical Report CSL-95-1, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center The PARCTAB Ubiquitous Computing Experiment R. Want;B. N. Schilit;N. I. Adams;R. Gold;K. Petersen;D. Goldberg;J. R. Ellis;M. Weiser
  41. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems (WWOS-IV, Napa, CA) The PARCTAB Mobile Computing System B. Schilit;N. Adams;R. Gold;M. Tso;R. Want
  42. Proceedings of 5th Ann. ACM/IEE Int'l Conf. Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom99, New York) The Anatomy of a Context-Aware Application A. Harter;A. Hopper;P. Steggles;A. Ward;P. Webster
  43. Position Paper for the DARPA/NSF/NIST Workshoop on Smart Environments Ubiquitous Sensing for Smart and Aware Environments: Technologies towards the building of an Aware Home I. Essa
  44. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Cooperative Buildings (CoBuild'99) Position paper The Aware Home: A Living Laboratory for Ubiquitous Computing Research C.D.Kidd;R. Orr;G. Abowd;C. Atkeson;I. Essa;B. MacIntyre;E. Mynatt;T. Starner;W. Newsletter
  45. Joint DARPA/NIST SmartSpace Workshop The New EasyLiving Project at Microsoft Research S. Shafer;J. Krumm;B. Brumitt;B. Meyers;M. Czerwinski;D. Robbins
  46. Coleman
  47. 전자공학회지 v.28 스마트 홈 연구 동향 및 전망 장세이;이승헌;우운택
  48. 한국정보과학회 HCI 논문집 스마트 환경에서의 사용자 인식 및 위치 추적을 위한 정보 통합 시스템 윤재석;이승헌;서영정;유재하;우운택
  49. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '99, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.) i-LAND: An interactive Landscape for Creativitiy and Innovation N.A. Streitz;J. Geibler;T. Holmer;S. Konomi;C. Muller Tomfelde;W.Reisch;P. Rexroth;P. Seitx;R. Stenmetz
  50. IntelligentRoom
  51. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine v.1 no.2 The Interactive Workspaces Project: Experiences with Ubiquitous Computing Rooms B. Johanson;G. Hutchins;T. Winograd;M.Stone
  52. IEEE Wireless Communications, special issue on Smart Homes Stanford Interactive Workspaces: A Framework for Physical and Graphical User Interface Prototyping J. Borchers;M. Ringer;J. Tyler;A. Fox
  53. IBM Systems Journal, Special issue on Pervasive Computing v.38 no.4 Classroom 2000: An Experiment with the Instrumentation of a Living Educational Environment G.D. Abowd
  54. Interacting with Computers, special issue on interacting with the active Web. v.13 no.3 Supporting Educational Activities through Dynamic Web Interfaces M. Pimentel;Y. Ishiguro;B. Kerimbaev;G.D. Abowd;M. Guzdial
  55. SmartRooms
  56. User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '95) The World through the Computer: Computer Augmented Interaction with Real World Environments J. Rekimoto;K. Nagao
  57. International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence '95 /Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ICAT/VRST '95) The Magnifying Glass Approach to Augmented Reality Systems J. Rekimoto;Y. Ayatsuka
  58. Workshoop on Software Engineering for Wearable and Pervasive Computing (Limerick, Ireland) The Context Toolkit: Aiding the Development of Context-Aware Applications D. Salber;A.K. Dey;G.D. Abowd
  59. Affective Computing