공간 집약적 관광지에서 사회적 수용력 연구

Study on the Social Carrying Capacity in the Mega-Event - The Case of the International Kwangju Biennale, Korea -

  • 김진선 (한양대학교 대학원 관광학과) ;
  • 정성태 (성균관대학교 대학원 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of social carrying capacity at mega-events, especially the 2000 Kwangju Biennale in Korea. In particular, this paper has proposed some management policies for mega events taking into account the relations between social carrying capacity, satisfaction and crowding. The research method was to look into the general characteristics and distributive forms of the location, and then to confirm the possibility of sampling the factors involved in satisfaction degree; last, A factor analysis for causal analysis of perceived crowding was performed. The study needed correlation analysis in order to compare expected crowding and perceived crowding, and performed regression to examine the causality of perceived crowding and satisfaction. The research results were as follows: the correlation of expected crowding, perceived crowding, and the total satisfaction was very low or meaningless. The relation between satisfaction and elements for factor analysis such as convenient facilities and value experience showed partial meaningfulness. The factors of convenient facilities, entrance fee, parking lot use, toilet convenience, and exhibit room use had meaningful results; on the other hand, the factors of value experience showed a meaningful result in the guide service of an event place. In conclusion when those holding an event make a basic project, they should consider management measures for convenience of facilities, proper education for guide service, and systematic guidance. Also, as a method for perceived crowding lower than expected crowding, the study has proposed that it is possible to lower expected crowding by providing appropriate information on the number of tourists expected on the weekends and weekdays. Future research should control variables such as personal characteristics, seasons proper for vacation and holidays, and carefully consider their investigation and design. Moreover, it is necessary to study variables involved in expected crowding of more various space-intensive sightseeing places (mesa-events).



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