On large-scale Air Pollution in the Yellow Sea Region: Satellite and Ground Measurements

  • Y. S. Chung (Korea-China Centre for Atmospheric Research) ;
  • Kim, H. S. (Korea-China Centre for Atmospheric Research) ;
  • Kim, Y. S. (Korea Aerospace Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The present study details air pollution measurements in the Yellow Sea of East Asia. Large-scale air pollution was observed through satellite images and ground monitors in Chongju-Chongwon of central Korea. Evidence of a duststorm transport and resulting dustfall from the Gobi Desert in north China and Mongolia is shown. Also, transport of anthropogenic air pollutants from China to the Yellow Sea, Korea, and Japan was detected and discussed. It was found that the level of air pollution concentrations at a regional back-ground site increased 2 ∼ 4 times than the values observed with the relatively clean air, when massive air pollution from China moved to the Korean Peninsula. Satellite measurements will be useful for monitoring regional- and global-scale air pollution in the future.



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