Development of Leaf Spot (Myrothecium roridum) and Dispersal of Inoculum in Mulberry (Morus spp.)

  • Kumar, P.M.Pratheesh (Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute) ;
  • Pal, S.C. (Department of Botany, School of Life Sciences, Visva-Bharati) ;
  • Qadri, S.M.H. (Regional Sericultural Research Station) ;
  • Gangwar, S.K. (Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute) ;
  • Saratchandra, B. (Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Studies were conducted on the effect of pruning time, host age, conidial dispersal and weather parameters on the incidence and severity of mulberry leaf spot (Myrothecium roridum). The disease severity (%) increased with increase in shoot age irrespective of pruning date. Maximum disease severity was observed in plants pruned during first week of April and minimum disease severity in plants pruned during first week of March. Significant (P < 0.01) influence of date of pruning, shoot age and their interaction was observed on severity of the disease. Apparent infection rate (r) was significantly higher during the plant growth period from day 48 to day 55. Average apparent yale was higher in plants pruned during first week of April and least in plants pruned during first week of July. The disease infection was negatively correlated to distance from the inoculum source. Leaf spot severity (%) was influenced by weather parameters. Multiple regression analysis revealed contribution of various combinations of weather parameters on the disease severity. Linear prediction model $(Y = -81.803+1.176x_2+0.765x_3) with significant $R^2$ was developed for prediction of the disease under natural epiphytotic condition.



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