월드와이드웹에 나타난 국제 학술 커뮤니케이션 네트워크에 대한 탐사적 연구

International Scientific and Scholarly Communication Networks on World Wide Web

  • 박한우 (영남대학교 문과대학 언론정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


학문공동체에서 월드와이드웹이 대중화되면서 하이퍼링크를 통한 커뮤니케이션이 새롭게 나타나고 있다. 본 논문은 웹이 (특히 하이퍼링크가) 어떻게 학술 커뮤니케이션 네트워크의 한 형태로 이해될 수 있는지에 대해서 검토한다. 본 연구는 아시아 10개국간 공저자 네트워크와 학술 웹사이트간 하이퍼링크 연결구조를 사회 네트워크 이론과 방법론의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 국가간 공저자 네트워크와 학술 하이퍼링크 네트워크는 통계적으로 유의미한 상관관계를 보였다. 이것은 웹에 나타난 온라인 학술 커뮤니케이션 관계와 오프라인 공간의 네트워크가 상호관련성이 있다는 것을 제시한다.

A hyperlink on academic World Wide Web has started to be recognized as a form of collaborative communication network connecting individual researchers and research groups and expanding their collaboration relations by making possible easy and direct online contact among people or groups anywhere in the world. This paper describes the structure of academic hyperlinks embedded in universities' Web sites hosted at the 10 Asian countries and further, examines the association between the structure of the hyperlink network and collaborative communication pattern among those countries based on their frequency of co-authoring articles. This research found that the number of inter-hyperlinks among universities' Web sites was significantly correlated with the frequency of co-authored articles across the 10 countries.



  1. Current Science v.79 no.5 Mapping international collaboration in science in Asia through coauthorship analysis Arunachalam,S.;M.J.Doss
  2. Scientometrics v.50 no.1 Perspectives of webometrics Bjorneborn,L.;P.Ingwersen
  3. American Journal of Sociology v.92 no.5 Power and centrality: A family of measures Bonacich,P.
  4. UCINET-X: Network Analysis Software Borgatti,S.;M.Everett;L.Freeman
  5. The Internet galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, business and society Castells,M.
  6. Interacting With Computers v.10 no.4 How did university departments interweave the Web: A study of connectivity and under-lying factors Chen,C.;J.Newman;R.Newman;R.Rada
  7. Internet Research v.6 no.2/3 Computer mediated communication and publication productivity among faculty Cohen,J.
  8. Journal of the American Society for Information Sciences v.9 no.14 Invoked on the Web Cronin,B.;H.W.Snyder;H.Rosenbaum;A.Martinson;E.Callahan
  9. Social Networks v.1 Centrality in social networks: Conceptual clarification Freeman,L.C.
  10. Journal of American Society for Information Science v.51 no.14 Connecting minds: Computer-mediated communication in scientific work Gabbay,S.<::AID-ASI1046>3.0.CO;2-W
  11. Sociological Methods & Research v.22 no.1 Social network analysis: Concepts,methodology, and directions for the 1990s Galaskiewicz,J.;S.Wasserman
  12. Minerva v.38 How experiments begin: The formation of scientific collaborations Genuth,J.;I.Chompalov;W.Shrum
  13. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.46 no.12 Work, friendship and media use for information exchange in a networked organization Haythornthwaite,C.;B.Wellman
  14. Virtual ethnography Hine,C.
  15. Research Policy v.26 What is reasearch Collaboration? Katz,J.S.;B.R.Martin
  16. Journal of the American Society for Information Sciences v.51 no.10 Motivations for hyperlinking in scholarly electronic articles : A qualitative study Kim,H.J.<887::AID-ASI20>3.0.CO;2-1
  17. Unpublished manuscript A bit more to IT: Scholarly communication forums as sociotechnical interaction networks Kling,R.;G.Mckim;A.King
  18. American Behavioral Scientist v.44 no.10 Netting scholars : Online and offline Koku,E.;N.Nazer;B.Wellman,B.
  19. Journal of American Society of Information Science v.51 no.14 Sharing digitized research-related information on the World Wide Web McCain,K.W.<::AID-ASI1048>3.0.CO;2-Q
  20. The new handbook of organizational communication: advances in theory research, and methods Emergence of communication networks Monge,P.;N.S.Contractor;Jablin,F.M.(ed.);L.L.Putnam(ed.)
  21. NIWI-KNAW: Amsterdam Knowledge production in the new digital networks Nerdi
  22. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences v.98 no.2 The structure of scientific collaboration networks Newman,M.E.J.
  23. First Monday v.7 no.11 Examining the determinants of who is hyperlinked to whom: A survey of webmasters in Korea Park,H.W.
  24. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology v.53 no.7 Hyperlink-Affiliation network structure of top websites: Examining affiliates with hyperlink in Korea Park,H.W.;G.A.Barnett;I.Y.Nam
  25. NETCOM: Network and Communication Studies v.16 no.3/4 Interorganizational hyperlink networks among websites in South Korea Park,H.W.;G.A.Barnett;I.Y.Nam
  26. Journal of American Society for Information Science v.49 no.2 Scholarly communication in developmental dyslexia: Influence of network structure on change in a hybrid problem area Perry,C.A.;R.E.Rice<151::AID-ASI5>3.0.CO;2-V
  27. Progress in communication science v.12 Richards,W.D.Jr.;G.A.Barnett(eds.)
  28. Social Networks v.9 Progress, problems and prospects for network research: Investigating relationships in the age of electronic communication technologies Rogers,E.M.
  29. Cybermetrics v.1 Sitations: an exploratory study Rousseau,R.
  30. Social Network analysis: A handbook Scott,J.
  31. Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy v.11 no.2 Commercial web site links Thelwall,M.
  32. Scientometrics v.55 no.3 A Study of the interlinking between Asia-Pacific university Web sites Thewall,M.;A.Smith
  33. The DRUID Working Paper The Academic Robotics Community in the UK: Web based data construction and analysis of a distributed community of practice Tomlinson,M.
  34. Distributed Work Computer network use, collaboration structures and productivity Walsh,J.P.;N.G.Maloney;Hinds,P.(ed.);S.Kiesler(ed.)
  35. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.51 no.14 Connecting minds: Computer-mediated communication and scientific work Walsh,J.P.;S.Kucker;N.G.Maloney;S.Gabbay<::AID-ASI1046>3.0.CO;2-W
  36. Social network analysis : Methods and applications Wasserman,S.;K.Faust
  37. Science v.293 no.14 Computer networks as social networks Wellman,B.

피인용 문헌

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