Gender and Age Differences in the Nutritional Status of the Low Income Elderly Living in Gwangju

광주지역 저소득층 노인의 성별, 연령별 영양상태

  • 노희경 (조선대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 오근애 (조선대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


This study was undertaken to assess nutritional status of the low income elderly residing in Gwangju. Anthropometric data showed that mean height of the subjects was lower than that of Korean Standard Growth data but weight was similar to that standard value. As the subjects became older, their heights and weights were decreased. Body mass index (BMI) in males and females were 22.9 and 24.4 respectively. However, BMI distribution showed that 56% of the elderly females under 75 were underweight. Advancing age conoibutes significant difference in triceps skinfold thickness in females (p < 0.001). Total cholesterol level was higher in the elderly females than the males. It was found that a considerable number of subjects had anemia determined by hemoglobin and hematocrit level, which indicated un iron deficiency. Twenty-four hour dietary recall revealed that, except for phosphorus and vitamin C, all the nutrient intakes of the subjects were below 75% of Korean RDA. Surprisingly, vitamin A and riboflavin intakes of the elderly were below 50% of Korean RDA. Energy intakes of the elderly males and females were 58.7% and 59.6% of Korean RDA respectively. Unbalanced energy ratios of carbohydrate, protein and fat were noted in both genders. Nutrient intakes of females' were lower than those of males'. Thus, there was a significant gender difference in nutrient intakes. It might be further suggested that an appropriate nutritional program should be developed and implemented to improve the Poor nutritional status of the low income elderly living in cities.



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