• Sa, J.-S. (Dept. of Automobile, Seoil College) ;
  • Chung, N.-H. (Department of Automotive Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Sunwoo, M.-H. (Department of Automotive Engineering, Hanyang University)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


There are a lot of factors that influence automotive fuel economy such as average trip time per kilometer, average trip speed, the number of times of vehicle stationary, and so forth. These factors depend on road conditions and traffic environment. In this study, various driving data were measured and recorded during road tests in Seoul. The accumulated road test mileage is around 1,300 kilometers. The objective of the study is to identify the driving patterns of the Seoul metropolitan area and to analyze the fuel economy based on these driving patterns. The driving data which was acquired through road tests was analysed statistically in order to obtain the driving characteristics via modal analysis, speed analysis, and speed-acceleration analysis. Moreover, the driving data was analyzed by multivariate statistical techniques including correlation analysis, principal component analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis in order to obtain the relationships between influencing factors on fuel economy. The analyzed results show that the average speed is around 29.2 km/h, and the average fuel economy is 10.23 km/L. The vehicle speed of the Seoul metropolitan area is slower, and the stop-and-go operation is more frequent than FTP-75 test mode which is used for emission and fuel economy tests. The average trip time per kilometer is one of the most important factors in fuel consumption, and the increase of the average speed is desirable for reducing emissions and fuel consumption.



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