영화의상에 나타날 엘리자베스 여왕 1세 로브의 표현효과

The Expressive Effects of Queen Elizabeth I's Rebes in Cinema

  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze the expressive effects of Queen Elizabeth I's robes in cinema and also to present two examples of Queen Elizabeth I's robes designed and made based on these expressive effects. To this end, this study wilt first examine Queen Elizabeth I's robes in her portraits according to the visual definers and emblematic meanings. Then on the basis of these knowledges, analyze visual definers and viewing priorities of Queen Elizabeth I's robes in five movies. Thereinafter, these robes will be classified based upon Belong(1998)'s four expressive effects. excitement. calmness, strength and delicacy. Finally, this study will demonstrate calmness and delicacy among four expressive effects through two robes made for the purpose. After analyzing the expressive effects of robes in five Queen Elizabeth I's movies, one can conclude excitement. calmness, strength, and delicacy can be found according to the flow of the story. Since this analysis focuses mainly on one particular person during one Particular period of time, there was a fundamental silhouette prevalent among the Queen's robes which then can be classified into different forms. Moreover, Queen's character in itself embodies authority and grace which. in turn, facilitates the presentation of the four expressive effects along the story line. In conclusion, thorough historical research on the character and the period. in addition to analysis of the visual definer and viewing priorities, is imperative when designing a historical costume.



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