- 환경생물학회지. v.18 전 지구 환경변화에 대한 극지 식물 플랑크톤의 중요성. 강성호;강재신;이상훈;김동선;김동엽
- 한국수문조사연보 건설교통부
- 한국수산학회지. v.24 여수 해만을 통한 광양만의 부유퇴적물 수지균형. 김대철;강효진
- 한국수산학회지. v.31 금강하구둑 건설 후의 수질변화. 김종구;유선재.권정노
- 한국생태학회지. v.333 섬진강 하류계의 요각류 군집에 관한 생태학적 연구. 김광수;이종빈;이관식;강장원;유형빈
- 한국동식물도감 제34권 식물편(해양식물플랑크톤) 심재형
- 한국해양학회지. v.16 여수 근해의 쌍편모조류에 관한 분류학적 연구. 심재형;신은영;최중기
- 한국해양학회지. v.10 광양만 식물플랑크톤 분포에 관한 연구. 심재형;신윤근;이원호
- 박사학위논문, 부경대학교 한국연안의 와편모조류 휴면포자 분포와 주요 유해종의 증식특성. 안경호
- 한국조류학회지-Algae v.14 가막만 일대 편모조류 군집구조와 휴면시스트의 동태. 이무형;이준백;이진애;박종규
- 한국수산학회지 v.34 한반도 남동 연안 내만 입자유 기물질의 시·공간 변동 특성. 이필용;강창근;최우정;이원찬;양한섭
- 한국수산학회지. v.30 광양제철소 건설을 위한 매립과 준설공사 기간 중 저서 다모류 군집의 공간 및 계절변화. 정래홍;홍재상;이재학
- 한국해양학회지-바다 v.5 광양만 표층퇴적물의 중금속 함량 및 분포. 조영길;이창복;고철환
- Estuarune. Coastal and Shelf Science v.48 Changes in the cpmposition of the diatom flora durion the last century indicate incrdased dutrophication of the Oder Estuary, South-western Baltic Sea. Andren, E.
- Botanica Marina v.33 Dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediments from Tasmania, Australka. Bolch, C.J.;G.M. Hallegraeff
- Ph.D. Thesis, Nagasaki University Utility of dinoflagellates in studying the marine environment; the case of the East China Sea and adjacent areas. Cho, H.J.
- Marine Micropaleontology v.42 Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Cho, H.J.;K. Matsuoka
- J. Fish. Sci. Tech. v.4 Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in the surface sediments from the Northwestern East China Sea. Cho, H.J.;K. Matsuoka;J.B. Lee;C.H. Moon
- Marine plankton diatoms of the west coast of north Amereca Cupp, E.E.;H.U. Sverdrup(ed);R.H. Fleming(ed);L.H. Mille(ed);C.E. ZoBell(ed).
- Survival Strategies of the Algae Dinoflagellate resting cysts:"benthec plankton". Dale, B.;G. A. Fryxell(ed).
- Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science v.48 Dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of cultural eutrophication in the Oslofjord, Norway. Dale, B.;T.A. Thorsen;A. Fjellsa
- Sci. Total Environ. v.264 Marine dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of eutrophication and industrial pollution: a discussion. Dale, B.
- SCI. MAR. v.65(Suppl) The sedimentary record of dinoflagellate cysts: looking back into future of phytoplankton blooms. Dale, B.
- Marine Geology v.166 Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments of the northern North Atlantic in relation to nutrient content and productivity in surface waters. Devillers, R.;A. de Vernal
- Algal cultures and phytoplankton ecology. Fogg, G.E.
- Do marine phyto;lankton influence global climate? Primary Productivity and Biogeochemical Cycles in the Sea Holligan, P.M.;P.G. Falkowski(ed);A.D. Woodhead(ed)
- Plankton Biol. Ecol. v.47 Vegetative cell and cyst assemblages of armored dinoflagellates in Onagawa Bay, northeast Japan. Ishikawa, A.;A. Taniguchi
- Algae v.14 The community dynamics of phytoplankton and distrbution of dinoflagellate cysts in Tongyung Bay, Korea. Kang, Y.J.;T.H. Ko;J.A. Lee;J.B. Lee;I.K. Chung
- J. Korean Fish. Soc. v.28 Paralytic shellfish toxin profiles of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium species islolated from benthic cysts in Jinhae Bay, Korea. Kim, C.H.
- Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan v.45 Process of eutrophication estimated by dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in Omura Bay, Kyushu, West Japan. Kim, H.S.;K. Matsuoka
- The Journal of the Oceanological Society of Korea v.4 Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in Masan Bay, Korea. Lee, J.B.;K.I. Yoo
- Harmful and Toxic Algal Blloms Dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments of southern Korean Waters. Lee, J.B.;K. Matsuoka;T. Yasumoto(ed);Y. Oshima(ed);Y. Fukuyo(ed)
- J. Fish. Sci. Technol. v.1 Community dynamics and distribution of dinoflagellates and their cysts in Masan-Jinhae Bay, Korea. Lee, J.B.;Kim D.Y.;Lee J.A.
- Journal of Marine Systems v.21 Contrastiong phytoplankton distributions controlled by tidal turbulence in an estuary. Lauria, M.L.;Duncan A.P.;Jonathan S.
- Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. v.23 Recent thecate and fossioized dinoflagellates off Hachinohe coast, northeast Japan. Matsuoka, K.
- Sci. Total Environ. v.231 Eutrophication process recorded in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages - a case of Yokohama Port, Tokyo Bay, Japan. Matuoka, K.
- WESTPAC-HAB/WESTPAC/IOC Technical guide for moderm dinoflagellate cyst study. Matsuoka, K.;Y. Fukuyo
- Sci. Total Environ. v.264 Further evidence for a marine dinoflagellate cyst as an indicator of eutrophication in Yokohama Port, Tokyo Bay, Jpapn. Comments on a discussion by B. Dale. Matsulka, K.
- J. Kor. Fish. Soc. v.22 Studies on the phytoplankton and nutrients in the Yeosu Heman. Moon, C.H.
- Botanica Marina. v.40 Dinoflagellate resting cysts from recent German coastal sediments. Nehring, S.
- Journal of Marine Systims v.23 Seasonal stages of phytoplankton community structure and sinking loss in the Gulf of Riga. Olli, K.;A.S.Heiskanen
- J. Oceanol. Soc. Korea v.19 Sedimentary envitonments of Gwantyang Bay, sorthern coast of Korea. Park, Y.A.;C.B. Lee;J.H. Choi
- proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Toxic Marine Phytoplankton Toxic phytoplankton bloons in the sea Smaydak, T.J.;Y. Shimizu;T.J. Smayda(ed);Y. Shimizy(ed);Amsterdam
- ICES Journal of marine Science v.55 Patterns of variability characterizing marine phytoplankton, with examples from Narragansett Bay. Smayda, T.J.
- Harmful Algae v.1 Turbulence, watermass stratification and harmful algal blooms: an alternative view and frontal zomes as pelagic seed banks. Smayda, T.J.
- Botanica Marina v.40 A taxonomic survery of cystproducing dinoflagellates from ricent sediments of Victorian coastal waters, Austrakia. Sonneman, J.A.;D.R.A. Hill
- The Biology of Dinolfagellates Ecology of dinoflagellates Taylor, F.J.R.;F.J.R. Taylor(ed)
- Journal of Plankton Research v.18 Growth and decline of a diatom spring bloom: phytoplankton species composotion, formation of marine snow and the role of heterotrophic dimlflagellates. Tiselius, P.;M. Kuylenstierna
- Marine Micropaleontology v.38 Distributions of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts in surface sedimints of the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean, and their potential use in palaeoceanography. Vink, A.;K.A.F. Zonneveld;H. Willems
- Progress in Oceanography v.48 Geographical distributions of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in surfacial sediments of the Benguela upwelling region and their relationship to upper ocean conditions. Zonneveld, K.A.F.;P.H. Ramses;B. Henk;W. Helnut