교통시설물 투자평가에 관한 연구 -충주시를 중심으로-

A Study on Investment Evaluation of Transportation Facilities

  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


This provided a basic frame to analyze the investment effect on the road, railroad, airport and port as a national dimension but it still has a limitation to analyze the specific economic and financial validities to consider the characteristics of the traffic facilities within the area. Conclusively, the aims of this study provide the reasonable evaluation guidelines effectively to the local automatic groups, especially Chungju in the frame of the present evaluation guidelines. We provide the adaptive alternatives on the present systems which are difficult to adapt to the present investment evaluation guidelines; the estimation method of the social economic index and the estimation method of the traffic demand. Additionally, we discuss the research method of the passage actual state for a reasonable estimation of the traffic demand. The result of this study will be activated for the validity check and construction plan of the reasonable traffic investment plan of Chungju city.



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