The Past, Present, and Future of Software Process Improvement

  • Published : 2003.04.01


Software process improvement has been one of the most important ways to improve the quality of software and the effectiveness and efficiency of software development organization. During the past 10 years, more than 5,000 organizations have adopted the SW-CMM and many other organizations have adopted similar process models. IEEE and international standards are evolving to encourage and support continued process improvement. The Software Engineering Institute is committed to broadening the benefits of software process improvement to the entire engineering organization through a new model called CMM Integration and to enable faster improvement through the Personal Software Process and the Team Software Process. The SEI is also committed to working with its colleagues in Korea so that industry can reap the benefits from this important and exciting work.



  1. Much of this paper is based on my keynote presentation to the 2001 Korea Software Engineering Process Group Conference The Value of Software Process Improvement Cross, Stephen E.
  2. 2001 Korea Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) Conference Software Engineering Process Group
  3. Proceedings published by System Integration Technology Research Institute (SITRI) System Integration Technology Research Institute
  4. Computer The Power of Process McConnell, S.
  5. CMMISM-SM/SW(V1.0): Capability Maturity Model(r)-Integrated for Systems Engineering/Software Engineering, Version 1.1, Continuous Representation (CMU/SEI2002-TR001) Software Engineering Institute
  6. Capability Maturity Model, CMM, and CMMI are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University CMM Integration;Personal Software Process;PSP;Team Software Process;TSP are service marks of Carnegie Mellon University
  7. Spotlight: CMMI Model Representations Shrum, S.
  8. For more about KSPICE KSPICE
  9. Proceedings of the Eight IEEE International Workshop on Incorporating Computer-Aided Software Engineering BOOTSTRAP: Five Years of Assessment Experience; Software Technology and Engineering Practice Stienen, H.;Engelmann, F.;Lebsanft, E.
  10. Layman's Guide to Software Quality Standards and Certification Morrison, H.
  11. CrossTalk The Frameworks Quagmire Sheard, S.
  12. Benefits of CMM-Based Software Process Improvement: Initial Results(CMU/SEI-94-TR-013) Software Engineering Institute
  13. Cross Talk Boeing Space and Transportation Systems Yamamura;Wigle
  14. Software Engineering Process Group Conference Software Engineering Process Group
  15. IEEE Software How Software Process Improvement Helped Motorola Diaz, M.;Sligo, J.
  16. Computerworld Lessons from India Inc. Anthes, G.;Vijayan, J.
  17. CrossTalk The State of Software Development in India Embar, C.
  18. IEEE Software Software Productivity Consortium, Leveraging Your CMM Efforts for IEEE/EIA 12207 Ferguson, J.;Sheard, S.
  19. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering v.26 no.Issue 6 Validating the ISO/IEC 15504 Measure of Software Requirements Analysis Process Capability El Emam, K.;Kirk, A.
  20. IEEE Computer Embracing Change with Extreme Programming Beck. K.
  21. Proceedings of the XP Universe Conference Extreme Programming from a CMM Perspective Paulk, M.
  22. CrossTalk Extreme Methodologies for an Extreme World Leishman, T.
  23. CMMISM Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement Ahern, D.;Clouse, A.;Turner, R.
  24. IEEE Computer v.30 no.5 Introducing the Personal Software Process: Three Industry Case Studies Ferguson, P.;Humphrey, W.;Khajenoori, S.;Macke, S.;Matvya, A.
  25. Introduction to the Team Software Process Humphrey, W.
  26. Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns Clements, P.;Northrop, L.
  27. Software Reuse: A Standards-Based Guide McCLure, C.
  28. Process Programming and Workflow LASER