UWB 변복조 기술

  • 발행 : 2003.02.01




  1. http://www.uwb.org
  2. http://www.fcc.gov
  3. K. Siwiak, 'Ultra-Wideband Radio : In troducing A New Technology,' IEEE VTC-2001, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1083-1093, May 2001
  4. K. Siwiak , P. Withington and S. Phelan, 'Ultra-Wideband Radio : The Emergence of An Important New Technology,' IEEE VTC-2001, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1169-1172, May 2001
  5. F. Ramirez-Mireles, 'Performance fo UItrawideband SSMA using Time Hopping an Mary PPM,' IEEE Joumal Selected Areas in Commun., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1186-1196, Jun. 2001 https://doi.org/10.1109/49.926374
  6. M. Z. Win and R. A. Scholtz, 'Impulse Radio : How It Works,' IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 2, no. 2, PP. 36-38, Feb. 1998 https://doi.org/10.1109/4234.660796
  7. M. Z. Win and R. A. Scholtz, 'Ultrawide Bandwidth Time-Hopping Spread Spectrum Impulse Radio for Wireless Multiple-access Communications,' IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 48, pp. 679-691, Apr. 2000 https://doi.org/10.1109/26.843135
  8. R. A. Scholtz, 'Multiple Access withTime-Hopping Impulse Modulation,' Proc. IEEE Military Commun. Conf. (Boston, U.S.), pp. 447-450, Oct. 1993
  9. D. Gerakoulis and P. Salmi, 'An Interference Suppressing OFDM System for Ultra Wide Bandwidth Radio Channels, ' IEEE Conf. on UWB Systems and Technologies 2002, Digest of Paper, pp.259-264, May 2002