지역 보건서비스의 산출에 영향을 미치는 요인

Determinants of the Community Health Service Utilization

  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


This study focuses on the determinants of the community health service utilization. Theories suggest seven models for community health service utilization, which are divided largely into two groups such as Health Service Supply Model and Health Service Demand Model: Supply Model includes Medical Implements Model, Personnel and Budget Model, Management System Model, Staffs' Behavior Model, Service Quality Model; Demand Model includes Area Model and Clients' Characteristics Model. This paper tests how the above models influence on the community health service utilization. After interviewing some administrative staffs of the Community Health Service Center at Pusan, questionnaires were made and mailed to the staffs of 198 Korean Community Health Service Center as a universe, among which from 98 centers we got response. Analyzing the data from the questionnaires, we found "the number of personnels in the health service center" and "demands for medical service" as important variables to affect the utilization of the community health service center. These two variables are typical factors representing Supply Model and Demand Model each. However, the variables selected from Management System Model, Administrative Behavior Model, Service Quality Model and Area model are not significant in a statistical sense. The paper suggests that to recruit the personnels, especially nurses, and to make out the demands of the clients for health service be the precedent conditions to increase the utilization of the Community Health Service Centers in Korea.ce Centers in Korea.



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