The purpose of this study is to investigate changes in the handle of wool/nylon blend fabrics bleached by a protease treatment and to compare their dyeing behavior and handle with those bleached by hydrogen peroxide treatment. Stiffness of wool fabric increased with treatment time in the case of $H_2O_2$ bleaching, while it decreased in the case of protease treatment in the order of Savinase, Alcalase, and Alcalase/$H_2O_2$. Smoothness and fullness showed no differences between the bleaching methods, and they increased with treatment time until 40 min and decreased thereafter. The increase in smoothness was smallest in $H_2O_2$ treatment. Total hand value increased until 40 min regardless of the bleaching method and decreased after 60 min treatment, with the protease-bleached fabric decreasing drastically. The rate of dye absorption for the protease-treated fabric was faster than that for the $H_2O$$_2$-treated fabric, whereas time taken for equilibrium to be attained was almost same. K/S value was high in the order of untreated, $H_2O_2$ , Alcalase/$H_2O_2$, and Alcalase and the color of protease-bleached fabric was brighter than that of $H_2O_2$ bleached one.