양모섬유의 염색시 디스아조계 산성염료의 변색현상 규명

The Investigation on Color Change of Dis-azo Acid Dye in Wool Dyeing

  • 발행 : 2003.04.01


It is already known that the color of wool fabric dyed with disazo acid dyes could be changed in dyeing process and this is accelerated under alkaline condition. Focus was given to figuring out the mechanism of this color change, through the LC-MS analysis. In this study, no color change was seen in wool fabrics dyed with C. I. Acid Blue 113 under weak acidic, neutral and weak alkaline conditions for 1hour. However, the wool fabrics dyed under weak alkaline condition for a long time over 3 hours fumed reddish orange. When the wool fabrics dyed under weak acidic, neutral and weak alkaline conditions were treated with $0.5g/L\;Na_2C0_3$ solution, all of them turned reddish orange. On the other hand, the color of silk fabrics dyed with C. I. Acid Blue 113 were not changed after the same alkaline treatment. Wool contains cystine and cysteine, whereas silk does not. Due to the reversible reduction/oxidation process of cystine and cysteine in wool dyeing, the C. I. Acid Blue 113 of the dis-azo type is decomposed by reduction and consequently turned them into the reddish orange mono-azo types dye.



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