The Design of Keyword Spotting System based on Auditory Phonetical Knowledge-Based Phonetic Value Classification

청음 음성학적 지식에 기반한 음가분류에 의한 핵심어 검출 시스템 구현

  • Published : 2003.04.01


This study outlines two viewpoints the classification of phone likely unit (PLU) which is the foundation of korean large vocabulary speech recognition, and the effectiveness of Chiljongseong (7 Final Consonants) and Paljogseong (8 Final Consonants) of the korean language. The phone likely classifies the phoneme phonetically according to the location of and method of articulation, and about 50 phone-likely units are utilized in korean speech recognition. In this study auditory phonetical knowledge was applied to the classification of phone likely unit to present 45 phone likely unit. The vowels 'ㅔ, ㅐ'were classified as phone-likely of (ee) ; 'ㅒ, ㅖ' as [ye] ; and 'ㅚ, ㅙ, ㅞ' as [we]. Secondly, the Chiljongseong System of the draft for unified spelling system which is currently in use and the Paljongseonggajokyong of Korean script haerye were illustrated. The question on whether the phonetic value on 'ㄷ' and 'ㅅ' among the phonemes used in the final consonant of the korean fan guage is the same has been argued in the academic world for a long time. In this study, the transition stages of Korean consonants were investigated, and Ciljonseeng and Paljongseonggajokyong were utilized in speech recognition, and its effectiveness was verified. The experiment was divided into isolated word recognition and speech recognition, and in order to conduct the experiment PBW452 was used to test the isolated word recognition. The experiment was conducted on about 50 men and women - divided into 5 groups - and they vocalized 50 words each. As for the continuous speech recognition experiment to be utilized in the materialized stock exchange system, the sentence corpus of 71 stock exchange sentences and speech corpus vocalizing the sentences were collected and used 5 men and women each vocalized a sentence twice. As the result of the experiment, when the Paljongseonggajokyong was used as the consonant, the recognition performance elevated by an average of about 1.45% : and when phone likely unit with Paljongseonggajokyong and auditory phonetic applied simultaneously, was applied, the rate of recognition increased by an average of 1.5% to 2.02%. In the continuous speech recognition experiment, the recognition performance elevated by an average of about 1% to 2% than when the existing 49 or 56 phone likely units were utilized.



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