볼락류(Sebastes melanops, S. maliger)로부터 검출된 단생흡충류 Microcotyle sebastis와 요각류 Clavella adunca 감염에 관한 연구

Studies on the Infestation of Monogenean Helminth, Microcotyle sebastis, and Copepod, Clavella adunca from Sebastes melanops and S. maliger

  • Chun, Kae-Shik (Department of Environment of Health, Yong-In University)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


Seven specimens of Sebastes melanops, black rockfish and three of S. maliger, quillback rockfish, were collected from Oregon Coast Aquarium during the period of September 19 to November 5, 2001 and examined for parasites. One monogenean helminth species and parasitic copepod species were recorded from black and quillback rockfishes, respectively. A total of 26 parasites were collected: 16 Microcotyle sebastis from the gill filaments of black and quillback rockfishes and 10 Clavella adunca were found in the fins of black rockfish. The prevalence of Microcotyle sebastis was 40.0%, and intensity of infection was 2.0(1-11). With regard to Clavella adunca, the prevalence and intensity were 20.0% and 1.4(2-8), respectively.



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