알루미늄 판재구속전단가공에서 형성되는 불균일 변형의 유한요소해석

FEM Analysis on Deformation Inhomogeneities Developed in Aluminum Sheets During Continuous Confined Strip Shearing

  • 최호준 (인하대학교 자동화공학과) ;
  • 이강노 (고려대학교 신소재공학과) ;
  • 황병복 (인하대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 허무영 (고려대학교 재료공학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


The strain state during the continuous confined strip shearing (CCSS) based on ECAP was tackled by means of a two-dimensional FEM analysis. The deformation of AA 1100 sheet in the CCSS apparatus was composed of three distinct processes of rolling, bending and shearing. The pronounced difference in the friction conditions on the upper and lower roll surfaces led to the different variation of the strain component ${epsilon}_13$ throughout the thickness of the aluminum sheet. Strain accompanying bending was negligible because of a large radius of curvature. The shear deformation was concentrated at the corner of the CCSSchannel where the abrupt change in the direction of material flow occurred. The process variables involving the CCSS-die design and frictions between tools and strip influenced the evolution of shear strains during CCSS.



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  4. Metally (Eng. Trans. : Russian Mentallurgy) v.1 Plastic working of metal by simple shear V. M. Segal;V. I. Reznikor;A. E. Drobyshevskiy;V. I. kopylov
  5. Scripta Material v.37 An experimental study of equal channel angular extrusion Y. Wu;I. Baker
  6. Scriprta Matertialia v.41 no.4 Direct observation if shear defotmation during eqial channel angular pressing of pure aluminum A. Shan;I. G. Moon;H. S. Ko;J. W. Park
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  9. Maters. Sci. Forum v.396;480 Evolution of texture and microstructure in AA 3004 sheets during continuous confined strip shearing deformation and subsequent annealing Y. H. Chung;D. H. Kim;H. T. Jeong;O. Engler;M. Y. Huh
  10. Maters. Sci. Forum v.408;412 Effect of strain paths on the evolution of texture and work hardening in AA 5052 sheets during continuous confined strip shearing deformation Y. H. Chung;J. P. Ahn; H. D. Kim;B. B. Hwang;O. Engler;M. Y. Huh
  11. Materials Research Bulletin v.36 Controlling the textures of the metal strips via the continuous confined strip shearing(C2S2) process J. C. Lee;H. K. Seok;J. H. Han;Y. H. Chung
  12. (Version 7.0 )Users Manual SFTC
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  16. Acta Materialia v.45 An inverstigation of microstructural evolution during equal Chan-nel angular pressing Y. Iwahashi;Z. Horita;M. Nemoto;T. G. Langdon

피인용 문헌

  1. Analysis on Inhomogeneous Textures Developed in Aluminum AA 1050 Sheets during Continuous Confined Strip Shearing vol.13, pp.4, 2004,
  2. Numerical Analysis on the Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing by Multi-Pass Rolling vol.449-452, pp.1662-9752, 2004,