The Operationalization and Role of Social Influence in Technology Acceptance Model

정보시스템 수용모델에 있어서 사회적영향의 조작화와 역할

  • Yang, Hee-Dong (College of Management Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Kwon, Sun-Dong (College of Business Administration Mokpo National University)
  • Published : 2003.03.01


In numerous studios of Technology Acceptance Model ( TAM ), the social Influence construct has been operationalized as subjective norm. This study Proposes to stretch two construct to Include two more constructs : image and visibility. This paper also questions about the paths regarding this comprehensive construct. Due to the controversies regarding the significance of social Influence on IS usage, this study taps the possibility that social influence works as an antecedent to PU (Perceived Usefulness) and PEU ( Perceived Ease of Use) We could find the significant differences In path coefficients depending on how social Influence Is operationalzied.



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