Effects of gamma-irradiation on the infectivity and chromosome aberration of Clonorchis sinensis

  • Park, Gab-Man (Department of Parasitology, Kwandong University College of Medicine) ;
  • Yong, Tai-Soon (Department of Parasitology and Institute of Tropical Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


Effects of gamma irradiation on the worm survival and chromosomal aberration of Clonorchis sinensis were studied. The metacercariae irradiated with various amounts of gamma radiation (ranging from 5 Gy to 50 Gy) were fed to rats, and the effects were compared with those of non-irradiated controls. Recovery rates of adult worms in irradiated groups were reduced gradually as increasing of the irradiation doses. No worm was recovered from rats which were fed with 50 Gy irradiated metacercariae. The chromosome number was 2n = 56 in all worms from all experimental groups. However, the groups irradiated with 20 Gy, 25 Gy or 30 Gy showed variations in the chromosome number, depending on different cells in the same individual. Radiation doses used in this study did not appear to induce chromosome aberrations, however, irradiation with 30 Gy showed slightly reduced chromosome size.



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