한국 기업의 일본 인터넷 시장 진출 전략: 멀티그룹 구조분석(MSEM)을 이용한 한국과 일본의 온라인 게임 충성도 비교를 중심으로

Strategy of Market Penetration in Japanese Internet Market: Comparing Online Game Loyalty between Korea and Japan with MSEM

  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


The purpose of this research is to identify if psychological temptation, site quality and sense of community influence user's flow and addiction and if causalities among flow, addiction, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are different between Korean and Japanese online games. To perform our research, we use MCSF(Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis) and MSEM(Multi-group Structural Equation Model). The empirical results of SEM(Structural Equation Model) including high-order factor analysis indicate that all of paths in our model are the same for both countries. Therefore, site quality and sense of community have impacts on the flow, while on the other hand, psychological temptation has impacts on the addiction. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are positively related not with the addiction but with the flow. In addition, customer loyalty is significantly influenced by the flow and the customer satisfaction. In Conclusion, the empirical results of MSEM(Multi-group Structural Equation Model) indicate sense of community to flow, flow to loyalty and customer satisfaction to loyalty are different between Korea and Japan. This indicates that companies to penetrate into Japa online game industry should have a concern with Japanese Social and Cultural features and to develop strategies which correspond with Japanese culture.



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