뒷날개흰밤나방(Aedia leucomelas)의 형태적 특징, 온도별 발육기간, 발생소장 및 고구마 섭식량

Morphological Characteristics, Developmental Period, Seasonal Occurrence, and Sweetpotato Consumption of Aedia leucomelas (L.) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae)

  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


고구마를 가해하는 됫날개흰밤나방(Aedia leucomelas)의 형태적 특징과 온도에 따른 발육특성 그리고 발생소장 및 고구마 가해양상을 1999부터 2000년까지 실내와 고구마포장에서 조사하였다. 성충은 흑갈색으로 체장은 암컷이 20.2mm,수컷이 18.9mm이었고, 날개 편 길이는 각각 33.7mm, 29.4mm이었다. 난은 납작한 원형이며, 유충은 엷은 황녹색-짙은 회색으로 체장은 3.3-53.5 mm이고, 번데기는 진한 갈색으로 체장은 15.1 mm이었다. 난부터 우화까지의 평균발육기 간은 15, 20, 25, 3$0^{\circ}C$ (60$\pm$5% RH, 16L : 8D)에서 각각 108.5, 70:7, 40.2, 29.1일로 온도가 증가할수록 발육기간이 짧아졌다. 각 태별 발육영점온도와 유효적산온도는 난은 10.7$^{\circ}$C와 67.5일도, 유충은 11.0$^{\circ}$C와 275.1일도, 번데기는 9.3$^{\circ}$C와 244.6일도 이었다. 암컷의 수명은 위 조사온도에서 각각 14.6, 12.8, 11.1, 10.3일이었고, 산란수는 각각 43, 189,244,265개로 성충수명은 고온일수록 짧아졌지만 산란수는 증가하였다. 됫날개흰밤나방 유충은 고구마 포장에서 6월 중순부터 10월까지 발생되었는데 9월 상-중순에 발생량이 가장 많았다. 유충의 섭식량은 20-$25^{\circ}C$에서 가장 많았고, 25$^{\circ}$C에서 1령, 2령, 3령, 4령, 5령 유충의 1일 섭식량은 각각 0.4, 3.6, 19.6, 40.7, 78.9$\textrm{cm}^2$ 였다.

Morphological characteristics, developmental period, and seasonal occurrence of Adeia leucomelas (L.) were investigated from 1999 to 2000. In addition, consumption of sweetpotato as food was also examined. Adults of A. leucomelas were dark-brown and body lengths of females and males were 20.2 mm and 18.9 mm, respectively, Wing expanse of female and male was 33.7 mm and 29.4mm, respectively. Egg was flat round-shape. Larva was light yellow-green to dark-brown with 3.3-53.5 mm. Pupa was deep-brown and 15.1 mm in length. Developmental periods of A. leucomelas from egg to adult emergence at different temperatures of 15, 20, 25, and 30$^{\circ}$C were 108.5, 70.7, 40.2, and 29.1 days, respectively, Developmental threshold (DT) and effective accumulative temperatures were estimated as 10.7$^{\circ}$C and 67.5 DD in egg stage, 11.0$^{\circ}$C and 275.1 DD in larval stage and 9.3$^{\circ}$C and 244.6 DD in pupal stage, respectively. The longevity of adult female was shortened with increment of temperature, whereas the total numbers of eggs laid by a female were increased. The larvae of A.leucomelas occurred from mid-June to early October, and population reached its peak during early to mid-September in Jeonbuk province. Food consumption of A. leucomelas was highest at 20-25$^{\circ}$C. Food consumption of 1 st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th larvae of A. leucomelas per day at 25$^{\circ}$C was 0.4, 3.6, 19.6, 40.7, and 78.9 $\textrm{cm}^2$, respectively.



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