도시 비오톱의 경관생태학적 특성분석 - 대구광역시를 사례로 -

Ecological Landscape Characteristics in Urban Biotopes - The Case of Metropolitan Daegu -

  • 나정화 (경북대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 이정민 (경북대학교 대학원 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


The purpose of this research was to present characteristics for the classification of biotopes and classification method of biotopes as basic data for ecological landscape planning in Metropolitan Daegu. The results of this study were as follows. 1) The study identified fifteen characteristics for classification of biotopes. Ecological landscape characteristics were divided into structural and functional factors. There are six structural factors such an inclination, and nine functional factors such as temperature. 2) The study area was separated into sixty eight biotope types. For example, an industrial district was divided into two biotope types: a biotope type of an industrial district with abundant green space, and a biotope type of an industrial district with scarce green space. 3) In the result of cluster analysis using the average linkage method between groups, biotope groups were divided into fifteen clusters and biotope groups were divided into seven clusters. Each cluster was named according to the features of a descriptive statistics analysis. For example, cluster 8 was identified as a biotope type with an impermeable pavement rate of more than 90 percent and an afforestation rate under 10 percent. 4) Fifteen biotope groups were converted to land use patterns for remote application and utilization of urban biotope in city planning. Biotope groups of a building area beyond an intermediate floor with an afforestation rate under 20-30 percent was converted to a land use pattern such as a tall apartment complex or commercial district. When examining the characteristics that were established in this research, there was a limit to achieve the objective of grade-classification because of a lack of related basic data. The research of landscape ecological characteristics for the classification of biotopes could not be completed due to a lack of time and resources, thus the study of ecological landscape characteristics will be accomplished over time.



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